Chapter 8: Boyfriend Girlfriend or Engaged?

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That bastard ruined everything for me, I was going to marry the bitch Seraphina and become a Dreyfuss, I swear John Doe I will get you one day, I shall make you pay.
Damn all these broken ribs hurt like hell too.

The train ride home was quiet and awkward between Seraphina and John who didn’t seem to know quite what to do. Both were thinking they should just say the words that occupied their heads.

‘I love you’

Suddenly the news on the screens on the train suddenly brought them back to reality.

“Earlier today a man was arrested for killing five people with his vehicle…he appeared to have attached kitchen knives to his grill to impale people as he ran them over. Officers are calling it a Vehicular stabbing”

John could not help but laugh at the name, Sera looked at him slightly concerned about him.

“John…what part about this is funny?”

“You mean Vehicular Stabbing doesn't make you laugh a little?”

Seraphia could not help but start to giggle a little as John had this look of total confusion, wasn't it a little funny? 

“You got a dark sense of humor John”

“With my life I would of killed myself without it”

Suddenly Seraphina’s eyes were wide open, staring at John, who looked like he just asked what the weather in Wellston would be like when they got home looking forward to his attention on the Tv. Why would he have wanted to take his own life, why do that to his father who he clearly loves more than anything?
Then it hit Seraphina, he is a late bloomer, he lived the life of a cripple and suddenly gained the power to beat everyone who beat him and he was still ridiculed for not acting as a God Tier should. Seraphina thought it would be best to leave this topic until another day, when she could have John safely with her.

“What did you mean when you said I was everything John?”

John’s face suddenly turned red as he fidgeted in his seat trying to come up with the answer while avoiding looking at Seraphina. Seraphina could not help but smile a little, she knew what he ment but wanted him to say it to her…no she needed him to say it to her.

“Well I you know-I mean-I-Wait-God I sound like a broken record here” 

Seraphina could not help but let out a laugh as John attempted to collect himself but Seraphina’s laugh was infectious. John burst out laughing with Seraphina as they collected themselves. John then turned to Seraphina, took a deep breath and looked right into her eyes.

“I found that I can’t stop thinking about you, I found that I want to do nothing but make you smile and happy” John took another deep breath, “I-I…I love you Sera”

The words Seraphina were waiting to hear rang through her head, and for some reason she was not processing what he had said to her, she was staring at John as the words finally got through to her, ‘I love you Sera’ Seraphina suddenly jumped from her seat into John’s wrapping her arms around his neck as she giggled uncontrollably, she looked like a little girl who was just told she was getting a new dress.

“hehehehehehe…I love you too John, I love you too”

John moved to put his arms around Seraphina to pull her closer to him, if anyone was watching they were not saying anything but I bet a few people thought it was romantic to see such young love blossom. “Well then Seraphina Dreyfus will you be my Girlfriend?”

“John Doe…I want to marry you”

“Then I have got to do this right” winking at Seraphina he moved in to give her a kiss, Seraphina closed her eyes moving to meet him too as their lips met.

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