Chapter 15: In Mourning we Grieve and Search

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“I’m sorry William…I promised John that I would keep him from harming himself…I can’t find him William but I won’t stop until I find him…he’s all you have left” Seraphina was talking to William, in a coma, slowly walking into the room She was sitting in one of the many chairs in the room sitting close to Williams bed holding his hand.

“I promised William I would care for John…” turning to me, my heart broke seeing her defeated expression and dull eyes, “What am I going to do if he wakes up…a-an-and John’s missing?” I was at a loss for words, I always held myself with an air of authority dealing with privileged teenagers with raging hormones, yet I found myself unable to say anything to calm Seraphina.

“I think…we need to take things slowly Seraphina…” I have to choose my words with caution…or Seraphina will break like John did. “We shall deal with each problem before us…together”

“Exactly Seraphina” Seraphina turned to the door, as did I seeing Remi and the rest of the group, “If we work together we will find John” 

“John’s not a bad guy once you get past all the damage done to him” Blyke spoke as he followed Remi into the room with everyone else.

“It’s late children…sadly we can no longer search for John, let us all hope he makes it through the night” It was after midnight, and though they all looked ready to pass out, “We all need to get some rest if we want to find John as soon as possible”

“Agreed…we won’t be able to do anything on little sleep” Arlo chimed in his air of authority over the others convincing them to rest.

“I can’t go home” everyone turned to Seraphina, “If John’s not there…it’s not…it’s not home” 

“You can stay with me Seraphina” Remi immediately responded, “I’m sure Elaine and Evie won’t mind staying over as well right?”

“Of course not, we'll be right over” Evie chimined in.

“Thank you”

    Seraphina and the others soon left me alone with my Brother in law sitting where Seraphina sat. I watched him as he looked to be peacefully sleeping, I knew that he was fighting for his life, always fighting, even in school he was not one to conform to the hierarchy. “I wish I knew what to do William, your son is a fighter…I ‘ll find him William.”
    I stayed by Williams' side all night, I was worried whoever had attacked him would attempt to finish the job. There was no doubt in my mind that William was attacked because he wrote UnOrdinary or to try and get to John.

“Your a fighter William, and so is John, he won’t go down easily and not without taking out the enemy first”

    Walking with Remi Elaine and Evie to go sleep over I felt better but nowhere better, it was like a piece of my heart was ripped out, and not just because John is missing, William treated me as his daughter, the father I never had.

“Do you…want us to stop…and get you a change of clothes Seraphina?” Remi asked slowly, probably trying to keep me from breaking down any more than I already did.

“I…no I don’t want to stop by” I was sure John would be upset at me if he saw me now, I was broken and lost. My authoritative posture and vice were broken, I’m sure I looked like a broken doll…I need John.

“Alright Seraphina” Remi hailed a taxi for all of us to return to Wellston school, entering Remi’s dorm I simply placed myself face first on Remi’s couch passing out instintally from exhaustion.

“Look what you did Seraphina…My son is missing because of you, he’s all I have left…and now he’s dead” Before my eyes I fell to my knees… before me laid across the dark black ground was John, all colour drained from his face, his eyes open…only death and suffering in them.

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