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  You shriek as he pulls you in, laughing. You splash water on him, getting all of his hair wet. He throws off his ruana, leaving himself in dark grey pants a white buttoned-up shirt, the top unbuttoned. His curly hair was soaked with water, dripping down his face. His golden brown skin shined in the sunlight. A grin was on his face.
This is gonna take me down. He so tall, and handsome. He looks kinda hot like tha-AGH. GET. YOURSELF. TOGETHER.
   The two of you playfully splash each-other, grinning like idiots. You enjoyed each other's company. You take turns chasing each other, acting like children. It felt so good not to be responsible for once.
  All of a sudden, he disappears under water.
  "Milo? Camilo?" You look for him, slightly scared. Then, somethings comes up behind you.
  You shriek and loose you footing, falling backwards. Camilo helps you up, holding you close to him. He was smiling gently at you; not the flirtatious smirk that he usually wears. All you could do was smile back. You stare into his  olive green eyes, mesmerized. You watched as they flickered between your eyes and your lips. He leans closer, until-
  "Camilo! Yn! Time for lunch!" Pepa pushes the bushes aside to see the two of you. You hadn't realized how long the two of you had been playing. You and Camilo awkwardly step away from each other, a blush appearing on your face. She squeals happily as a rainbow appears over her head.
  "Am I interrupting something?"
  Camilo shook his head and you two separated; he looked slightly annoyed.
  "No, Mamí. We're coming." He gives you his signature smirk and helps you out the river. He puts his ruana around you, and the two of you follow Pepa back to Casita.
Wildest dreams...

Flirtatious~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora