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  It was a week after you and Camilo had started dating. And to you, he was the best thing that happened to you. He had brought you flowers and cooked for you yesterday; you weren't feeling well and he wanted to heal you hisself. He insisted on taking care of you.
  'He's so sweet,' you think to yourself happily as you clean around your small house.
  You had never felt so happy before in your life.
  'I live in a town that loves me, I have friends that love me, and I have an awesome boyfriend' you thought as you swept the floors. Nothing could ruin your day.
  Then there was a knock on a door. You open it to find a letter on your small porch. Here's what it said:
  Dear yn,
  I'm sorry to inform you that your father has sadly passed away in a house fire. He had lit a candle before he went to sleep, and it must've caught on to something. When the medics got there, it was too late. I'm sorry for your lost.
                                               Your neighbor,
                                               Mrs. Ramirez
  Tears streak down your face as you read the letter.
  "!" Your mumbling eventually turn into a shriek. You collapse on the ground. You let out an ear-splitting shriek, full of grief. Your father was dead. First your mother, now you father. You faintly see a light purple as you black out.
   You finally wake up on your bed, you head on Camilo's lap. You notice flowers in a vase, but would question it later.
  "Ah, princessa...I'm so sorry..." He pulls you up into a hug, and you cry on his shoulder. He gently whispers in your ear; while rubbing soothing circles on your back. The two of you stayed like that for the rest of the night, the flowers forgotten~

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