kunten | difference

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student by day and club-goer by night, you'd never guess that lee youngheum and ten are the same person.

⚠︎︎ swearing, smut ⚠︎︎
no smut warnings


ten confidently walked into the bar, locking eyes with the owner.

"youn— ten!" the owner, johnny, spread his arms widely in a greeting.

ten loved johnny. platonically. yes, they'd done the deed a couple times together before coming to the conclusion that it was not the thing that they should to with each other, but that didn't matter.

ten ran into johnny's arms, sighing as the taller engulfed him in a warm hug. "you give the best hugs, i swear."

"all as an apology for accidentally almost calling you by your real name every day." oh yeah, that.

ten, also known as lee youngheum. if you were to ask someone at ncit, that is, neo culture institute of technology, about lee youngheum, they'd either answer with a, "who?" or, "that one really quiet nerd?" now, ask the same person again about ten, and they'd either (depending if they're a club-goer or not) say, "who?" or, "that one really sexy gay bartender who's always at mistakes?"

"mistakes" was the name of johnny's bar. the name was fitting, as a lot of people (including ten) made mistakes there. the bar also acquired a lot of new guests, especially after someone new began working there and ten had his shift off earlier in the night. before, people would occasionally flirt with him and ask for him to come home with them, but alas, he was trapped behind the counter. now? he was still trapped behind the counter, but only until 10:30. then, he was free.

you could most commonly find ten on a friday or saturday night, in the center of the dance floor. many more people approached him, now that he would be out in the open. sometimes ten would feel someone grinding on him, turn around, and next thing you know he was marking off another mistake. on a typical night, ten could enter the bar looking prim, proper, hot, sexy, and badass all at once. seeing him exiting the bar the same night could usually result in seeing his hair disheveled, hickies and bruises dotting his skin, a limp in his step, and sometimes an article of his clothing was on backwards.

"are you dj-ing again tonight?" ten asked, curious.

"i think i will," johnny replied, wiping down the bar.



"and what do i get out of this?" kun crossed his arms and glared at jungwoo, who was in the midst of convincing kun to come with him and jaehyun to a club.

"uh, the university experience?" jungwoo answered in a duh tone.

kun sighed, making cogs turn in jungwoo's head. "okay, if you don't like it, i'll buy you ice cream. if you do, you owe me ice cream."



kun didn't know why he was at the club. he, jaehyun, and jungwoo had just arrived at 11:00. the male could easily be at home, or maybe the library. youngheum was always at the library.

"kun, you're fine." jungwoo patted the older on the back. "you can just stay here if you want. there's a cute guy who works here."

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