Three Women Seal Danny's Fate

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Danny had barely slept and was grateful when the light began to come through the windows. Jacob had spent the night somewhere else but Danny was just as glad for the space. Danny had responded to his mom's message and said that he was fine, that he had lost his phone, and would try to talk with her today and then he quickly exited the social media page before he could have a chance to see her response. 

A little after nine, Danny received an email from Dean Bowery with the Deans of Residential Life and Greek Life copied on it, informing him that they had assigned him to a new housing location and that he was to meet with her at eleven after his appointment with Dr. Jones at ten. It did not make Danny feel good to know that the Deans were aware of his interactions with Dr. Jones. He was also informed that a Campus Safety officer would pick him up from the fraternity house and drive him to campus, so he at least didn't have to worry about carrying all of his stuff to campus. 

When it was almost time to get picked up, Danny reluctantly put on another diaper for his appointment with Dr. Jones. He looked down at himself, hating how snug and crinkly it was. Right at that moment, the door burst open and in walked Jacob, who immediately broke into a mean smile and asked "Is that going to be your outfit for the day?"

Danny hurriedly pulled up his jeans and told Jacob to fuck off. 

Jacob's face flashed red with anger and he stepped up to Danny and said, "Listen, I'm sorry about what happened, but you've got to stop being such a pissy pants about it. I'm not the one who got you into this mess - you just lost a stupid bet with me but then you're the one who went on to actually shit himself at Kappa Kappa Gamma. And, from what I have heard, you haven't really been able to keep your diapers dry since that night, so maybe you really do belong in them."

Danny pursed his lips and said, "Shut up!"

"Shut up!" Jacob mimicked with a whiney voice. "Man, I hope they put you in a nursery or something, you certainly need it!"

Thankfully, Jacob turned around and left Danny alone.

Danny again looked down at himself; his jeans tightly fit over the diaper and he was worried that it'd be obvious what he had on underneath. He quickly put on a shirt to finish getting ready to leave the fraternity house, potentially forever. Danny still hoped that he would at least convince Dr. Jones he did not need to continue wearing diapers and that the one he wore would be his last. Confidently, Danny decided to throw away the other diapers and then he headed downstairs and waited in the parking lot. He did not cross paths with any other fraternity brother - he really was getting the full cold shoulder from them. But maybe that was just as well. Danny wasn't sure how he would react when he started having to face other students who had seen all of the photos and videos of him. 

The Campus Safety officer arrived and was so silent during the drive that the crinkle of Danny's diaper was loud and clear even with the slightest movement he made. Finally, they arrived to the Health Center and Danny got out of the car. For a moment, he stood outside the Health Center, gulping, feeling like he was about to enter the gates of hell; "Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here" ominously springing to mind. He crossed his fingers and made a wish that Dr. Jones would be content with his dry diaper and that he'd be free from diapers forever. Steeling himself, he entered the Health Center. 

Of course, as soon as he did so, he heard Kaitlyn's voice ring out, "Danny!"

She was seated at the check-in window. A few other students in the waiting area looked up at him, smiling with recognition of the campus diaper boy. He crinkled forward to Kaitlyn and she herself smiled warmly at him and loudly proclaimed, "I see you're here for your diaper appointment. Are you currently dry or do you need a change?"

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