Intimate Changes

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Danny left Professor Erikson's office confused but also with the sensation like someone had filled his stomach with helium. He couldn't stop himself from blushing as each step he took reminded himself that his diaper was warm and wet because he had just wet himself in his professor's office...while he had been standing in the corner with his diaper on full display! 

He returned to his dorm, planning to change himself into a fresh diaper before going to the Health Center for his daily diaper compliance check...That way, the nurses would have to record that his diaper was nice and dry, but he unfortunately crossed paths with Mark in the hallway, who had just stepped out of the hall bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and his dark brown hair still wet and uncombed. Mark must regularly work out, Danny thought, because his tan body was built with lean muscle. It was almost a little intimidating, because Danny was more on the skinny side, but also since Mark was an inch or two or maybe even three taller than Danny.  

"Hey there!" Mark said with a smile. 

Danny hated how peppy and smiley and warm Mark always seemed. Danny would never have hung out with Mark before because Mark seemed like a total goody two shoes - Mark hadn't even joined a fraternity and had probably volunteered to be an RA! 

"What's up?" Danny tried to coolly respond, but Mark just smirked and mimicked Danny with a smug expression, "What's up bro?"

Danny just shook his head with disdain but Mark said, "What's the matter? Is someone's little diaper messy and now he's all cranky?"

Danny felt his cheeks going redder but he responded with frustration, "Dude, quit it."

"Dude, quit it," Mark again mimicked with his best impression of a frat bro. 

Danny tried to walk past Mark but Mark simply reached out and grabbed a hold of Danny's hand - not a hard grasp but still firm. With his other hand, Mark pinched the ends of his towel around his narrow waist, yet there was a slit that showed a glimpse of Mark's untanned upper thigh. 

"What are you doing?" Danny asked.

"Just follow me, little guy."

Danny tried to pull away but then Mark strengthened his grip and said, "Nuh, nuh, nuh! We don't want to have to send a report that you were naughty to Dean Bowery, do we?"

Danny quit resisting...damn! It just wasn't fair that the combination of Dean Bowery, Dr. Jones, and his mother - or Mommy as she now insisted - had stripped him of his autonomy! But he knew they could each make his life a lot worse if they were unhappy with his submission.

The two college boys went into Danny's room and Mark instructed Danny to sit on the floor. Grumpily, Danny sat crisscross applesauce with his arms crossed, not appreciating the squish of his diaper as he sat. Then Mark left, leaving the door open, and Danny was annoyed - how long was he supposed to sit there? 

But soon Mark returned, still drying his hair with his towel, but he had apparently not taken the time to get all that dressed: he was wearing a navy and white polka-dot button down with only a pair of a whitey tighties on the bottom! Danny stared at Mark's dorky choice of underwear in disbelief, never minding the round curve of Mark's muscular glutes and the package in the front, and said with annoyance, "Of course you would wear whitey tighties."

Mark just hung the towel around the door knob and shut the door, saying, "Says little Mr. Pampers. And if I'm right, I'm guessing your diaper needs a change, doesn't it?"

Danny just looked away, embarrassed. 

"Yeah, that's what I figured," Mark said, "You're always so much crankier when you need a change. Well let's get to it..." 

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