Code Blue

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Code Blue


Your POV

Even though I was conscious, the doctors decided to put me in a gurney next to Ava.

'I've just found happiness... Am I gonna lose it now??'

I looked at her. She looked peaceful. Her head was wounded and I saw a metal piece that pierced her stomach.


'What happened?! Are you alright?'

'That metal piece went across her stomach!'

'Don't worry. She will be okay. It's better not to remove the foreign object or the bleeding will increase. We'll do everything we can so she survives okay?'


He put a mask over my nose and mouth and I felt really sleepy... In a matter of seconds, I blacked out.

I woke up in the hospital. I had never been there and it felt kind of scary. I looked around looking for Ava but the bed next to mine was empty. A nurse came in and saw me.

'You're awake. We treated your wounds and you're almost ready to go. Do you want me to call your father to pick you up later?'

'I... don't have a father...'

'Oh I'm so sorry... If you can just give me your first and last name so I can look you up?'

'Y/n y/l/n'

'A doctor will come briefly to do a final check'

I was alone again in the big, white, scary room... I looked at the ceiling, praying for Ava to be okay. I was never religious but I really needed to do something. That's when I got the idea. I got up from the bed and walked to the door. I looked through the window on the door and when the hallway was empty, I got out of the room.

I looked all over the hospital for Ava until I saw a closed door that said 'DO NOT ENTER SURGERY IN PROGRESS'. Through the window, I saw a bunch of doctors around someone and when they moved away a bit I could see the face of the person. It was Ava!!

Someone took my arm and dragged me away from the door.

'What are you doing here? You are supposed to be in your room until you are called out'

It was my nurse.

'Is she going to be okay?' I asked

'They are removing the shrapnel from her stomach. If they are not disturbed, they will get everything out with no problem. Let's get you to your room'

We were about to step away from the door when an alarm started blaring.


I looked at the number of the surgery room and I froze.

It read '301'

'Code blue means cardiac arrest... Ava's heart has stopped'

I started to tear up as my nurse ran to the room.

'Please Ava... I was so happy when you found me. You HAVE to survive'

I fell to my knees as more doctors stepped in the room.

I was in a bubble of irreality and I almost didn't feel how someone carried me back to my room and I blacked out.

What If... You Were Adopted By Ava MaxOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz