chapter seven

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"Jesus Christ how much shit are we giving them tonight?" Louis questions. He's been complaining about how heavy these duffel bags are for the last 20 minutes.

Tonight is a huge fucking night for us. Apollo has us doing a big deal. This time we're not doing it past the hours of the carnival being open as per usual which is strange.

He has us walking downtown in broad daylight. This shouldn't be a problem but were all dressed in black suits with duffel bags. All per Apollo's request of course. All I can think about is how sketchy it looks to people passing by. I cant help but be a little paranoid of all the stares.

"Louis stop complaining we're almost there" I say through gritted teeth.

The guys always end up getting on my nerves when we do deals. They either won't shut the hell up or they complain the entire length of the time we're here. At least It should be a quick and easy deal. Pretty straight forward, give them the drugs, collect the money, and go back to Apollo.

On the way back one of the fucks usually needs to stop and get food because they're hungry. I always try and make sure everyone eats before we go just to reduce the risk of someone fucking this up for us, but no one ever listens. Even though this shit seems easy, it could go wrong so fast.

Sometimes the simplest shit they say makes me wanna repetitively punch myself in the dick it pisses me off so bad. Actually no, I take that back. That shit would hurt and maybe damage my dick and I tend to enjoy it a bit too much for that. It's never done me wrong. We're good pals.

"Is this the place Z?" I ask as we arrive on a strange dock that has a green light at the end. I smirk to myself and think about The Great Gatsby. That fucking green light.

"This is where the GPS coordinates brought us so I assume so. we're like 10 minutes early" Zayn responds

"Okay let's do a recount while we have time and make sure everything's here" I say while we all drop our bags to the dock and start counting the wrapped bags of white powder.

"This isn't funny." Niall says looking around the group. "Who the fuck took one of my bricks?"

"What the fuck do you mean who took one? If you tell me you're missing one I swear to god." I say back.

"Unless I cant fucking count Harry, I'm missing a bag. Stop pouting and come fucking check for yourself." Niall spits out angrily.

I went and recount Niall's bag and sure enough he was in fact missing a brick of coke. Instead of asking questions and starting a fight I start going around and counting how many are in each bag. Every bag is correct except Niall's.

"Do you think Apollo would short us on purpose?" Liam asks.

"No he's a douchebag but he wouldn't short us. We haven't done anything stupid. Probably just one of the dickweeds that package it didn't put it in or took it for themselves.

"What the hell are we going to do Harry!" Niall asks, starting to panic. If this goes haywire and they notice the missing brick they're gonna go for Niall first. I'll be damned if I'm gonna let him get hurt. It's only the start of the carnival's busiest month. Nobody can get hurt yet.

"Ni, calm down mate. We'll call Apollo and figure it out." Zayn says while pulling his phone out to call Apollo. When it starts ringing he puts it on speaker.

"Someone better be dead and that's why you're calling me." Apollo speaks through the phone. Zayn angles the phone towards me to speak. Asshole.

"Um we're at the dock and we just counted to be sure and we're missing a brick. Did the deal get changed and someone didn't tell us, or is this actually a mistake?" I speak into the phone.

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