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It was a warm September night and the time was 5:30pm. A woman was walking a few blocks from a daycare center to go and pick up her son. The woman's name is Inko Midoryia, a well loved individual with a kind and caring personality. She was a single mother to her son. She may not have known who her child's father was but she loved her child dearly. She worked two jobs to help pay for the bills that she had.
Her husband from an arranged marriage had left her when he had found out she was pregnant with Izuku. Yet Inko deep down knew that her husband was not the father of her son. You see, before the arranged marriage she had been dating both Shota Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada at the same time. Inko knew that both of them had feelings for each other and her, yet she couldn't stop the arranged marriage. So after the three had ended the relationship they stayed good friends.
The three had not seen each other in four years. Inko missed them dearly and had hoped that her son was theirs. Izuku had half green on the right side, half black on the left side with strips of yellow throughout his hair. He was kind and caring like his mother. Yet there was a side of him that reminded her of Shota. He could be very serious and does not like irrational things or behavior.
As Inko neared the daycare center there was a large commotion nearby. She looked up to see that "The Flame" Hero Endeavor was chasing a villain. As the villain got closer to her she thought that today was the day she was going to die. She took out a notepad and quickly wrote a note for the hero to read.
Please contact EraserHead and Present Mic. They are the only ones I fully trust with my son. He is at the daycare center right waiting for me. He is a smart boy and will know that I have passed away. Tell them to take care of my boy for me. He has an appointment with a quirk doctor on September 9th at ten am also there may be a surprise doctor there as well.
Thank you,
Inko Midoryia
The villain grabbed her. Inko threw the note on the ground so that it wouldn't get burned by the flames. The villain then transformed his arm into a knife and slit Inko's throat. She was crying because she would never see her precious son again. Yet she knew that the two men she loved dearly would take care of her son her and protect him with their lives.

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