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It was almost time for us to go to the quirk doctors to see what other quirks our son has. He has been really excited about it. He woke up early this morning and was jumping on the bed trying to wake us up. I groaned as I got up. It was not something that I was used to. Yet Zashi was already up making breakfast for us. We would be leaving soon and then school would be starting next week. We would have to talk to Nezu about bring Izuku with us to UA as well. He could also start training a little bit as well before I started his training at home.
"Come on Dad and Pa it's almost time for my appointment with the quirk doctor let's go," Izu said excitedly.
""Izu calm down we still have time before your appointment," Zashi said with amusement in his voice.
"But Pa I'm really excited to learn about my other quirks. I bet there just like dad's and moms. I'll be stronger then All Might haha. Yet I'll be an underground hero like dad is I don't like attention. Besides underground heroes are cool no offense Pa but I feel better being able to infiltrate groups and help those who really need it in the shadows of night," Izu giggled. Zashi and I were impressed by this answer especially with him being so young. Plus the pure look of determination was written on his face.
"You have the heart and determination of a hero already kiddo," I said with a smirk.
We were in the car driving to the doctor now I was so excited about my other quirks that my mom said I would have. Dad parked the car he opened the back door and picked me up. He carried me into the doctors office. As we waited for me to be called into the back Uncle Enji was there with Shoto to see what type of quirk he has.
"Hi Uncle Enji hi Shoto," I said excitedly.
"Hello Little Flame how are you today?" Uncle asked me.
"Hey Izu," Shoto said as he came over to me to play.
"I'm doing good Uncle and you?" I asked him.
"I'm doing good as well," he said. Shoto and I were playing for what seemed like forever. I was starting to get bored from the waiting. Just then a nurse called us into the back. There where two doctors there waiting for us. I wasn't sure why there were two doctors in this appointment but I just shrugged it off.
"Hi I'm Dr. Seed and my quirk is Gene I can tell if someone is related by blood," Dr. Seed said with a smile.
"Hi I'm Dr. Zeke I lack a quirk but I decided to study them because I find them so fascinating," Dr. Zeke said. Dad and Pa nodded to Dr. Seed. His eyes started to glow violet as he looked at the three of us. Once he was done his eyes returned to there normal color.
"You two are the fathers of this little guy," Dr. Seed said with a smile. Dad just smiled and Pa had tears in his eyes. I just beamed at them so happy that I am really related to these two amazing men.
"Now let's check out your quirks little one," Dr. Zeke said. He strapped me to a machine with paper and did some test on me. "Mr. Aizawa and Mr. Yamada your son quirks are amazing. There all evolved forms of yours and his mothers. Super intelligent: user is born with it and has a quirk analytical aspect to it. The user has a very high IQ with no drawbacks. Cannot be turned off. Ensure- He can erase any and all quirks including mutant quirks. He can do so in one of four ways. 1. By directly looking at a person like Aizawa, 2. By creating an area that can expand over time, 3. By touching a person, and 4. If the sun is out by looking at a person's shadow or stepping on the shadow. Drawbacks drowsiness and if overused dry eye. Evolved form of the Aizawa  quirk can be canceled by blinking.  Voice: Can create high pitched tones. He can also amplify other people's voices as well. If overused it can give the user a sore throat. Psychic Telekinesis: the ability to use psychic powers to create shields or weapons also can use telepathy to talk to others. Can also control someone's mind by either looking at them or getting a verbal response from people. Drawback headaches if overused. What do you think a fitting name is for your quirks little one?," Dr. Zeke asked me. I thought for a while before it hit me. My quirks are more related to my family but evolved forms.
"How about Evolved Family. Since their evolved forms of my parents quirks?" I asked him.
"That sounds like a really good name for them. I'll just put it into the system and your all set," Dr. Zeke said as he typed it into the computer.
I was shocked by how strong he'll be. I look at Sho and he had his shit eating grin that scared his classes when he saw potential in his classes that is. I knew that he was going to do what Inko wanted and train him hard. Tomorrow the three of us would be going to UA. Neither Sho nor I had said anything to Izu about going to UA we wanted it to be a surprise for the Little Listener. Nezu already knew about Izuku and wanted to meet our son. We had went back to his house a few weeks ago. He had a few notebooks on Hero analytical if you actually take the time to read them they are pretty accurate.
We came out in a daze to see that Enji and Shoto were still there. They looked excited to find out what Izu quirks were. So Sho told them and they had no clue that he could be this strong. We left and went home. For dinner we made Izuku's favorite.
"Sho when are you planning to start Izu training," I asked him.
"I'll probably start when he turns five or six this way he a little older. I won't go easy on him Zashi he has way too much potential for that," Sho said and I just nodded. The three of were already in bed. We had a long day tomorrow and needed rest for the day to come.

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