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I was waiting in my office waiting for the family of three to come and see me. I had watched Izuku through the cameras throughout the school day and took a liking to the child. I was going through one of his notebooks and I could not be more impressed by his analytical abilities they were accurate and surprising for one as young as him. I wanted to help Aizawa and Yamada raise the boy to be an amazing hero. Just then there was a knock on my office door. Before it was opened without me saying anything I chuckled as the green haired boy jumped up and down excitedly while his fathers tried to calm him down.
"Looks like you two have quite the energetic little one there Aizawa and Yamada," I told them trying not to laugh at the boys antics but failing miserably to do so. They nodded as the boy finally came to a stand still. He looked at me for a few moments confusion on his face at first as to what I was. Then his eyes lit up and a bright smile formed on his face.
"Excuse me sir but would you happen to be a Chimera? I mean no disrespect," Izu said. Mic and Aizawa looked at him with a confused look on their faces. I on the other hand just laughed at the looks.
"You are correct little one I am," I said with a smirk. "Not many people know what I am," I told the family of three. As I was about to say something else there was a knock on the door. I told the person to come in. Just then a little boy with purple hair a few years older then Izuku walks into the office crying.
Zashi and I look at the door to see a purple haired boy walk through the door. He was a few years older then Izu. His name is Hitoshi Shinso he's seven. He my older sister's son. What happened to my sister I thought.
"Toshi why are you here? What happened to your mom and dad?" I asked him. I could see that whatever happened had affected him. Just then All Might came in behind him. Taking my nephew by the arm roughly. Hitoshi was shaking with fear as the number 1 hero grabbed him.
"All Might release him now!" I exclaimed in anger. Izu flinched and Toshi shook more. Neither of them had ever heard me yell.
"Eraser he is a villain and had killed his parents," Bitch Might said. I look at him as if he lost his mind.
"What do you mean? That boy there is my nephew and would do no such thing. As for being a villain he's not. You maybe the number 1 hero but you are treating a child like a criminal!"  I said getting my capture scarf ready. Izuku was watching everything going on. Then an idea seemed to come to his mind.
"Daddy why not call the human lie detector to help?" He asked me. I had a smirk, so did Nezu. Mic looked scared of Izuku's smirk. All Bitch looked paled and Toshi looked like he was going to cry again.
"Good idea Problem Child. Tsukauchi would be a great help with this situation," I said with a shit eating grin plastered on my face. Zashi was already on the phone with Detective Tsukauchi to have him come to UA and have him help us with this matter.
Mic had called me to come to UA in order to help with a matter that arrived. When I got there I was surprised to see two kids playing for now. One with half green and half black with yellow strips throughout his hair. The other one had purple hair. Hitoshi had just lost his parents due to a villain attack. Izuku is the son of Mic and EraserHead. All Might was there as well.
"Mic, Eraser, Nezu, and All Might what's the problem?" I asked them.
"It would seem that Bitch Might here thinks my nephew is a villain and killed his parents. Izu thought it wise for you to come and help sort this situation out," Mic said with venom in his voice. Which is odd for the cheerful man. Okay whatever All Might said got under his skin. Especially if it's about a family member.
"Okay and good job remembering me Izuku," I said with a smile. I turn my attention to the purple haired boy in front of me. "Okay Hitoshi I'm going to ask you some questions and I want to answer them honestly ok," I said to boy who nodded.
"Yes sir I understand," he said.
"We'll start of with some easy questions. What is your name?" I asked the boy.
"Shinso Hitoshi," he said true
"How old are?" I asked him.
"Seven," he said true
"What is your quirk?" I asked him. He seemed a little nervous about answering this question.
"Brainwashing sir," he said as he looked down at the ground true
"Okay now for the harder questions," I said as the boy nodded."Did you kill your parents?" I asked as I looked at the boy his eyes started to water.
"Of course not I loved my parents. They were the only ones who thought my quirk wasn't a villain quirk," the boy sobbed. True
"Okay last questions. Why did you come to UA? And why did All Might say you killed your parents?" I asked.
"I was scared that they would think of me as a villain and say that I controlled them to kill themselves. I knew that my uncles worked here and my mom always told me that my Uncle Zawa and Uncle Zashi would protect me. All Might saw me running from my house because I was afraid due to him knowing about my quirk and he told me that I couldn't be a hero because of my quirk a few days before any of this went down," the boy said. True
"All Might really a quirk doesn't make a person a villain or not," I looked at him with a look of disgust. I couldn't believe that the number one hero would tell a child that.
"He's a villain I tell you! He killed his parents why else would he run!" All Might exclaimed. Izuku looked at the man in front of him. He looked deep in thought. Then he stands up and looks at All Might.
"You should never ever judge anyone based on their quirks. Okay weren't you quirkless before getting One for All by my grandma? So you should remember where you came from before passing judgment on another person," he said. Everyone just looked at him in shock.
All Might raised his hand to hit Aizawa's son. Aizawa reacted instantly with his capture scarf.
"You maybe the number one hero but you ever raise your hand to hit my son again and I will not hesitate to end you. These two boys are mine and will be the greatest heroes this world will ever see," he told Bitch Might. Everyone in the room was silent.
The boys had stars in their eyes as the look at the dad/uncle. Zashi, Nezu and I were trying not to laugh at the shocked look on All Might's face.
I was looking at the green haired boy in aww he had stood up for me without knowing who I am or what my quirk is.
"Toshi this is your cousin Izuku Aizawa-Yamada," Uncle Shota told me. Wow my little cousin is amazing I'm going to protect him with my life I thought to myself.
"Cuz you don't have to protect me with your life. We'll be the best heroes we can be. Along with Kacchan " he told me. I just looked at him and smiled a small smile.
"Let's go guys we're going home," Uncle Sho said.
"Before you go Aizawa I want to offer me teaching your two sons personal because I believe that both boys will make fantastic heroes when they are older," Nezu told dad I guess I'll be calling him that from now on.
Dad and Pa looked at each other before nodding in agreement. They thought that it would be the best way for them. They wouldn't have to find a school to drop us off at and they could protect us along with the other teachers as well.
"Thank you Nezu but please do not try to teach them about world domination at all!" Pa said.
"Of course not I guess Inko had said something about it in her letter to the two of you?" He asked they nodded not even surprised that he knew about it. After that we left the office and school to go to the car. We made our to my new home.

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