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I did not want to deal with brats today. It would be a long day at least for me. Mic was more than excited to start the day off. I got out of my comfy bed. Zashi had already gotten Izuku up and ready.
"Good morning babe. Good morning Problem Child," I said as I sat down. Problem Child giggled at the nickname. We ate our breakfast and drank our coffees. I had packed a backpack for Izuku. It had food, snacks, toys and a notebook along with a pen.
We get into the car. The drive was a short one. We parked in the teachers parking lot. Problem Child was looking out the window unsure where we were. I went to the back and picked him up along with his backpack. As we were walking in Problem Child's eyes were wide with excitement. You could tell that UA was the school of his dreams. Which he would not have a problem getting into.
We were walking through the halls of the quiet school. Quiet for now that is. Nezu wanted to meet the little listener after school. We made it to the teachers lounge without anyone seeing us. I held the door open for Sho, Izu and I. As we walked in every one stopped what they were doing. They stared at us.
"A child!" Nem yelled excitedly even though she had meet Izuku at the mall with Oboro. As she ran up to Sho and took Izuku in her arms. Sho sighed I could tell that it was too early in the morning for him.
"What are you doing with a kid here guys?" Vlad King asked us curiously.
"Nezu wanted to meet Izuku after school plus we didn't want to send him back to a daycare center," Sho said. The kiddo was happily talking to his Auntie Midnight when he remembered that he had a notebook and pen in his book bag that Sho had by his desk. He ran over to Sho.
"Dad notebook please," he asked. The teacher looked impressed by this. Izu went back to Midnight and asked her about her quirk and other things that she liked.
The bell rang and the teachers had to go to their classrooms dad had told me to stay in the teachers lounge until he came back to get me. I was still working on my notes from the interviews I had done with the other pro heroes. Pa had come back in after awhile to cheek up on me. I ran up to him and showed him my notes.
"You are so smart little listener dad's going to be so proud of you!" Pa exclaimed.
"Pa can I go see daddy and show him my notes?" I asked him. He sighed and picked me up. Everyone was in class already. Pa took me to a door that looked really huge. I had a feeling that it was because of how mutant quirks vary in size. Pa opened the door and I saw daddy standing behind a podium of some kind.
"He was looking for Sho and asked me to bring him to you," Pa said. I jump out of Pa's arms earning a bruise on my knees but I didn't care. I want to show him all of my notes.
"Who's the kid Sensei?" One of dad's students asked him.
"Yea Aizawa doesn't seem like the family type of person," another said and most of his students nodded in agreement. Dad sighed as he picked me.
"Dad I took a lot of notes look!" I yelled in excitement without using my voice quirk. He looked at what I showed him. He had this shit eating grin on his face. Most of his class looked terrified by it. Yet I knew that it was his way of showing me he was proud of me because of my notes.
"Class this is Izuku mine and Mic-Sensei's son. I'm proud of you Problem Child and so will Nezu," dad said. He up me down and turned to his class. He had a creepy grin on his face that made his class sweat drop thinking that they were in trouble with him. "Since I'm done with the announcements for the day you guys might as well take care of Izu while I go to sleep. Yet be known that if you make him cry you answer to me and Mic got it," dad said. The class said yes as dad gets into his sleeping bag by the wall. I was able to interview them all. Before we went back to the teacher's lounge we stopped at RG room where she healed my boo-boo with a kiss on the forehead.

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