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"Mr. Mic and Mr. Eraserhead sirs, what do I call you?" I asked them in a worried tone. They looked at each other for a moment. They seemed not to know what to say to me. Plus I wasn't sure what to call them. I didn't want to disrespect them in any way, shape or form. Mic knelt down to my level as Eraser did the same thing.
"If you want too Little Listener you can use Aizawa or Shota or Sho or dad  for Eraser. For me you can use Yamada or Hizashi or Zashi or Pa," Pa said. My eyes lit up and I was getting excited because now I have two dads when before I had none.
"YAY I HAVE TWO DADS NOW!" I yelled happily. Dad smirked and Pa laughed as I jumped around while Uncle Enji just smiled at my antics.
"Okay kiddo you have to learn to control your voice quirk. Especially when you're excited but don't worry we can help you with that," dad said with a smile as Pa nodded. I nodded excitedly. I couldn't wait.
"Dad?" I asked him. He nodded for me to continue "mommy said that I have two more quirks coming in. She said one would be like hers and the other like my other daddy,"  I told them.
"Did she tell you who your daddies are?" Pa asked me. I shake my head no. Mom never told me who my dads were. They looked at each other for a few minutes before they both stood up.
It was getting late so we had to get our son home. Shota picked him up and put him on his back. His capture scarf wrapped securely around him. We walked the short distance home. When we were a block away we heard cute little snores from Sho back. I looked over and saw the little listener fast asleep.
"Looks like our son is sound asleep Sho," I said with a big grin.
"Yea Zashi he had a long tiring evening. I can't help but wonder what type of hero he'll be when he grows up. He has your quirk but he'll also have Inko's as well. I wonder if they are evolved forms of ours or if they'll be just like ours?" Sho mused. He was always the one who was the rational one between the two of us. Inko had been our sunshine. It had been three years since we last saw her. Yet when we do it was because she passed away.
We got home and let the little listener sleep on the couch while Sho and I started making dinner. We were still shocked that we had a son with Inko. We put Izu's book bag by the door. A letter had fallen out of the bag. It was addressed to us and was written in Inko's handwriting.
Dear Shota and Mic,
It's been three years since we last saw each other and I have not forgotten either of you. You both had my heart from day one. Unfortunately if you both are reading this letter it means that I didn't make it. It also means that you both have met Izuku and have him in your custody now. He a big fan of heroes and wants to be an underground hero like his favorite hero EraserHead (Aizawa Shota) . He was born with Mic's quirk and the doctor said that it was an evolved form of your Zashi. He can also make someone else louder than they normally are. But the doctor also said that he will have two other evolved quirks as well.
Sho and Zashi. I know that Izuku is your son as well as mine. Yet with the arranged marriage I couldn't tell either one of you the truth to the matter. I wish I could have and had both of you in his life from day one. Yet Hisashi would not have been happy about that. So I couldn't even though it saddened me to keep your son away from both of you. Hisashi was an abusive man who beat me and tortured me every day before he moved away. If anything he would have wanted me dead so he could get a hold of Izuku. I didn't know it at the time but he was a villain named AFO. He wanted to use Izuku as his successor when he was only a year old. My maiden name as you know is Shimura. My mother Nana was killed by him and my little brother was taken by him. Please protect our son from this man. He will do anything to get his hands on Izu no matter what.
I love you both with everything in my being. You two made my life so much happier than words  along with our precious son. I set up an appointment with not only a quirk doctor but also a DNA doctor as well. I have no doubt that Izuku is both of yours. He acts like Sho a lot of the time with how serious he can be. Yet his smile reminds me of Zashi. He's kind and caring like me. He is the perfect blend of the three of us. I have a feeling that he will be an amazing hero especially with you two helping him and Sho make sure you train him hard. He is as stubborn as you are and needs guidance. He has a friend named Katuski Bakugo who is the same age as him. They are like brothers so please let the Bakugos keep contact with our son.
                            Love Always and Forever,
                                Inko Aizawa-Yamada
P.S After the asshole and I got separated I changed my last name to both of yours. I was going to do the same with Izu but I didn't get the chance either. So please change his name as well. He is a hero fanboy and loves Katsudon, along with the color red and blue. He also writes quirk analytical as well. He is smart, almost as smart as Nezu if I had to guess. Please let them meet but do not let Nezu teach him world domination. Those two would cause mass destruction. Also he loves cats just as much as Sho does. Also Izu like black coffee just like you Sho if I wasn't dead by now I'd come and kick your ass for that (glares)
I handed the letter to Sho and he read it. We were sitting at the kitchen table when we heard a cry from the couch. Sho was the first to move. He seemed worried about our son who started to cry.
I had just finished reading the letter from our lover. She made it clear that Zashi and I were Problem Child's parents. Speaking of Problem Child he woke up crying on the couch. I was the first to move to the couch.
"Hey Izu it's okay I'm here and so is Pa you're okay," I said as I gently rocked the three year old in my arms.
"Dad, where am I?" He asked me in confusion. Ah that must have made him upset because he didn't know where he was.
"You're at our house and your new home," I said as I wiped his tears away.
He looked at me confused. Yet he looked around and saw one of our cats come out. His eyes lit up and he wanted to play with the kitty. Her name was Page because she was white with black spots on her. She made her way up to Problem Child and rubbed herself on him. Izu scratches her under the chin as she starts to purr.
"Hey Problem Child you hungry?" I asked him.
"Yes daddy," he said as he continued to pet Page. It was a good thing that Mic was already making dinner for us. I had made coffee since I thought I was the only one going to drink it.
"I heard you like black coffee kid? And that you want to be an underground hero when you grow up," I said. His eyes lit up at the mention of coffee and nodded his head vigorously.
"Yay black coffee is the best. I want to be like you dad," he said. Just as Zashi called us that dinner was ready. He placed two cups of coffee in front of Izu and I.

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