Chapter 17: A'Yuan's back

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Lan Zhan, "Mn"
Sizhui, "Master what did Mo gongzi say?"
Lan Zhan, "If you have to know you will, the same goes other way"
Sizhui, "Master, before..." Lan Zhan shut him, he kept quiet and others were scared of him

Wei Ying's mind was wandering again, 'Lan Zhan is so cold, just what did I do wrong? I admit I want stay by his side, but he could get hurt, I don't want him to be hurt because of me just like last time, should I just leave without him knowing?'
Lan Zhan, "Don't even dream about leaving"
Wei Ying, "Ah?"
Lan Zhan, "Aren't you thinking about that?"
Wei Ying, "Hangguang-Jun, it's not nice to read someone's mind"
Lan Zhan, "It's all over your face I didn't read your mind"
Wei Ying, "LAN ZHAN!"
Lan Zhan, "No need to yell, I am here in front of you right now"
Wei Ying, "You. hmph"
Sizhui, "Alright you two, let's talk outside"
Lan Zhan, "Mn"
Wei Ying, "hmph"

As they were outside Sizhui spoke up, "Master, well..."
Lan Zhan, "Speak"
Sizhui, "The cat case we were on led us here, and your case also led us here, I guess this is related to your recent investigation."
Wei Ying, "What investigation?"
Sizhui, "Well you have to ask Master about that."
Wei Ying, "Seeing you two so close, I miss my A'Yuan"
Sizhui, "Mo gongzi knows my birth name? Master, is he him?"
Wei Ying, "Birth name? You are Lan Yuan?"
Lan Zhan, "No secrets are to be kept forever"

Lan Zhan waved his hand in front of Sizhui, he then saw a lot of things that he forgot, that's right Lan Zhan sealed off his memory, and unsealed it.

~Sizhui's memory~

Wei Ying, "A'Yuan"
Sizhui, "Xian ge"
Lan Zhan, "He is?"
Wei Ying, "My son"
Lan Zhan, "..."
Sizhui, "Ni Hao Hangguang-Jun"
Wei Ying, "Eh, A'Yuan, you do that to him but you wouldn't to me, just what is there on him that I don't have?"
Sizhui, "Xian ge is jealous?"
Wei Ying, "Hmph you little devil, by the way, Lan Zhan why are you here?"
Lan Zhan, "Night-hunt, I thought of coming here to tell you news."
Wei Ying, "What news?"
Lan Zhan, "Marriage, Young Master Jin Zixuan and Young Lady Jiang Yanli"
Wei Ying, "Hmph, that peacock again, so annoying" He added, "If I could I would..." He was cut off by silencing spell by Lan Zhan.
Lan Zhan, "No bad words in front of children."
Sizhui, "It's okay, Xian ge always say that"
Wei Ying, "I..."
Lan Zhan sighed, "Seems like, nobody would change that attitude of yours."
Wei Ying, "Um, since you can't drink wine, you can use tea, cheers"

Wen Qing, "Wei Wuxian, are you sure they would grow?"
Wei Ying, "Of course, look I'm planting A'Yuan so a lot lot more A'Yuan will play with him"
Wen Ning, "Seems like A'Yuan really really Wei gongzi"
Wei Ying, "Wen Ning, you can't say that about me, before I became the Yilling Laozu, every baby in my hands would stop crying, and shops I've visited will have a great income, and a lot lot of beautiful..." Wen Qing cut him off.
Wen Qing, "Alright, alright, Master Wei... I have work"

Grandma, "A'Yuan, stay right here, don't make a sound. If they find you, they would surely kill you."
Uncle Four, "Grandma, Is A'Yuan safe?"
Grandma, "Mn, now we can fight conveniently."


Sizhui, "I..."
Lan Zhan, "You remember?"
Wei Ying, "Lan Zhan, why did you seal his memories?"
Lan Zhan, "When I found him by the mountain, he was severely sick, and it seems like he was traumatized, so I sealed the part of his memory, only by then he could forget and be well."
Sizhui, "Xian ge"
Wei Ying, "A'Yuan, you're the only one alive among all of them, only you"

They were crying hugging each other as if there was no tomorrow, the next moment Sizhui fell asleep in Wei Ying's arms.
Wei Ying, "So you endured those rumors to protect him?"
Lan Zhan, "Mn"
Wei Ying, "Have you ever thought, if I was not here, or some accidents happen, will you still unseal his memories?'
Lan Zhan, "That'll depend on fate."
Wei Ying, "Lan Zhan, I owe you my life"
Lan Zhan, "You asked about investigation, I was investigating your death, it seems intentional."
Wei Ying, "You mean... My death at Burial Mounds was plotted?"
Lan Zhan, "Send him back to the tavern first so we can call out Wen Ning."
Wei Ying, "Lan Zhan, thank you for saving A'Yuan"
Lan Zhan, "Children, doesn't have to bear their parents mistakes, besides they did nothing wrong."
Wei Ying, "Seems like righteousness is always in front of your eyes."

Wei Ying walked carrying A'Yuan, Lan Zhan thought, 'I may not be as righteous as you imagined, I hope one day you'll understand and forgive me'

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