Chapter 1: Meet The Parkers

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Too many Alphas. That's your first thought as you and Peter exit the elevator on the floor Mr. Stark told you to meet him on. You didn't like it one bit, and you could feel the anxiety and agitation roll off you in waves. Peter picks up on the change in your scent immediately and in an effort to make you more comfortable he holds your hand and releases his calming pheromones. It helps you slightly but honestly you're not sure you want this feeling of unease to go away anyway, afterall you're about to walk into a room with unknown Alphas with your Omega brother, and sure they were all older adults most mated already and he was on suppressants but when did that ever deter an overeager Alpha.

"You must be the Parkers." a voice that seemingly comes from thin air says suddenly, "Please proceed to the conference room up ahead, the Avengers await your arrival."

"You're an AI!" Peter nearly yells in excitement causing a grin to spread across his face, and you can't help but smile with him.

"I am, they call me FRIDAY." she responds.

"Well uh, thanks for the directions. We should get moving Pete." you tell your brother as you start walking and he doesn't hesitate to walk with you. His excitement is abundant but you can't help but dread this. You take a deep breath, and open the door in front of you, not wanting your unease to be so evident.

"Ah good, you found the place." Mr. Stark says with a cocky grin from the head of the table, which is full of Alphas, Betas, and Omegas. Typical Alpha. You think to yourself as you and Peter take a few steps into the room.

"Unfortunately" you breathe out, not very quietly causing Peter to let out a small whine at your lack of approval. You give him a small glance before continuing, "I'll be upfront with you sir, I don't want to be here and honestly I don't think my brother and I need to be here, we were doing fine on our own. Sure our tech isn't near as good as yours yet and our suits needed upgrades but we were self sufficient and kicking bad guys asses when the Avengers didn't deem them a worthy enough threat. But my brother here admires your work, both in and out of the armor, with his entire being so I'm here for him."

The other members of the Avengers simply stare at you, you're not sure if it's because of how blunt you were with the Alpha or the jab you took at the heroes. Either way they're staring at you now, and you hate the attention.
Tony nods solemnly before Steve speaks, "So, is it the fact that he's a man, a billionaire or an Alpha that you have a problem with?" he asks, matching attitude with yours.

A low growl escapes your lips as you let go of Peter's hand to approach them, your brother scrambles in front of you just as you're about to touch the table. "Please Y/n, just give them a chance." he begs.

"I just did, and I'm not impressed." You say before abruptly turning and leaving the room, causing your scent to rush past Natasha and Wanda who instantly know you're their soulmate, just like they knew they were each others earlier this month when Natasha, Steve and Clint rescued Wanda and Pietro from Hydra.

Of course Nat hasn't made an actual move yet despite Wanda trying, because she doesn't think she's worthy of caring for an Omega. Regardless they both know they can't just let you walk out of the compound and their lives, but before they can rush after you, your brother does.

He grabs you and wraps you in a tight hug, "Please just scent me and calm yourself. We aren't in any danger here."

"You don't know that Pete. They may be heroes but they're still Alphas" you sigh as you return the hug letting your head rest on his shoulder, his calming pheromones once again working away your unease.

"The other Omegas seem ok." he says and you hum in response.

"Alright, but if I sense anything wrong and I tell you we're leaving then that's what we do, ok?" you tell him.

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