Chapter 9: Morning Talks

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You're suddenly awake, at first you're not sure why because the sun has barely risen, but then you hear it. It's your Omega, and she's whimpering like she's afraid. The sound wakes your Alpha as well and both of you shift slightly to get a better look at Wanda. She's fast asleep, but based on her expression and whimpering she's having a nightmare.

"Malyshka(baby girl), wake up", Nat says as her hold tightens on your Omega. Wanda jolts awake, her eyes dart around the room and her chest is moving rapidly with how hard she's breathing.

You cup her cheek, "We're right here Omega, we've got you."

"I'm sorry I woke you both." Wanda says, feeling guilty. You and Nat can feel her trembling.

Natasha shakes her head, "You can always wake us when you need us. We always want to be there for you." she says and you nod in agreement.

Your Omega sniffles, starting to cry. You and Nat share a look of worry so you both start releasing relaxing pheromones, with your Alpha crooning as well to help soothe the frightened Omega.

"Hey sweet girl, you're ok. You're ok." you tell her, and she nuzzles into you and Nat even more.

"Do you want to tell us about your nightmare? It might help you to feel better." Natasha says as she starts running her fingers through Wandas' hair.

She sniffles again and nods her head, "I-I was back in Hydras custody, and I was alone. Then I overheard one of the agents say that my mates would never find me. I was so scared, and I missed you both so much it hurt. It all felt so real, I couldn't tell I was dreaming" she tells you both as she cries.

"Nikto ne mog uderzhat' vas ot nas. My vsegda tebya naydem(No one could keep you from us. We would always find you.) I promise." your Alpha tells her.

You aren't sure what she promised Wanda, but you know what you're going to say, "You're our Omega, we would never let anything like that happen to you. We will always keep you safe."

Wanda nods her head and takes a few deep breaths before finally relaxing into Natasha and you once more. Your Alpha never stopped rubbing the Omegas head, so it's of little surprise to you both when the brunette intertwines her hand with yours and begins purring.

She looks up after a few minutes, meeting your gaze, "How's your leg detka(baby)?" she asks

You take a moment to stretch and flex your muscles before answering, "It feels like I never got shot." you say, impressed with Tonys technology. Your Alpha and Omega smile at you, happy that you're better.

Though your Alpha does worry you might go back to sleeping in your room. And after spending all afternoon and last night with both her mates it just wouldn't feel quite right without you there. Your Omega worries about that too, she's at her happiest when all three of you are together. They'll miss your presence, and your scent.

Unaware of the intense thoughts of the two in the bed with you, you shift positions intending on getting up to use the bathroom. Surprised by your movement they turn their gaze to you. You sit on the edge of the bed and stretch your arms above your head, the bottom of your shirt rises just enough for Natasha to see a few scars on your back, Wanda notices too and her heart drops.

Nat places her hand on your hip and runs her thumb along the bare portion of your back, you stiffen slightly under her touch, "Moye solntse(my sunshine), did one of those Alpha bastards do this?" she asks in a deeper tone, angry that someone would dare hurt her Delta.

Wanda worries you'll run off again, afraid to talk to them or angry at the prying from the Alpha. And you'd be lying if you said you weren't considering just running back to your bedroom for the rest of the day, but you decide to be open with them.

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