Chapter 2: Soulmates

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The philanthropist approaches Natasha with a grin, "You sly Russian. Only you could find both of your soulmates within the same month."

"Tony, don't." She says in a stern voice, "What if she doesn't want me, I'm an Alpha afterall." She says voice quiet and filled with sadness.

He sighs, "She's cautious with Alphas but with good reason. She's not going to hate you, it'll just take her time to get used to you. Wanda's presence and trust in you will help, afterall Deltas are just as protective of their Omega as the Alpha is. Show her your gentle side, the one you've just now started to show Wanda"

"You talk like you know what happened to them as pups." Wanda says curiosity getting the better of her.

Tony nods sadly, "I do, I talked with their Aunt before I invited them here, wanted to know them a bit before they showed up. It's deplorable that Alphas can be capable of such a cruel act on pups." he says with a low growl, obviously angry.

"Please Tony, what happened? I don't need details, I'll let her give me those in her own time but I have to know how to care for her. Please." Natasha practically begs, something the man is not used to.

"Alright" he takes a breath before continuing, "A few Alphas the family trusted abused the siblings for two years in physical and sexual ways before they were found out. Peter was 2 when it started and Y/n was 8. The Omega remembers nothing, he just knows Alphas make him uncomfortable, your Delta however remembers everything."

"Tell me the bastards are locked up." Natasha growls, Wanda grabs her hand and rubs soothing circles around the Alphas knuckles.

"Yeah they are. Won't be out for a few more years at least." he tells them.

"They deserve worse for what they did." Wanda says, Natasha pulls her Omega closer to offer comfort.

"I want the two of you in my study. I'll bring the siblings to meet you there. I know you're hesitant Nat, but I think the sooner she finds out you're her soulmates the sooner she'll come around to you both." Tony says and Wanda looks at Natasha with pleading eyes, the Sokovian has waited years to find her soulmates and get a chance at being happy and having a pack again.

"Okay, we'll be there." the redhead tells them both, causing Wanda to purr in excitement. Natasha thinks it's the cutest sound she's ever heard.

Tony apologizes for taking so long and shows you your rooms, they're nice but bare. The Alpha assures you both you can decorate them however you want. Then he wants to show you something in his study.

He opens the door and you and Peter walk in, Tony doesn't follow, not that you notice because you're too busy taking in the scents of the women in the room with you. The redhead is definitely an Alpha, she has the musky scent of cedarwood. The brunette is an Omega, she has the sweet scent of cinnamon. You really like their scents, they give you a warm and content feeling and you hate that you know what this means, they're your soulmates. It takes a moment but between the scents and status of everyone in the room your brother figures it out.

"You're her soulmates." he says and his voice, though no louder than normal, is almost a shout in your panicking mind.

You shake your head and take a few steps back, "No. Absolutely not." you say sternly as you turn to leave. Natasha feels her heart drop at your rejection and prepares for you to run off like you did in the conference room.

Wanda however is not prepared for that, "Wait, please don't go. Please just get to know us." the Omega begs you. And curse your instincts, but you listen to her. Well mostly, you at least stop walking toward the exit and turn to face them again.

Peter looks at you then, "Don't you want to belong to a proper pack, to be loved and cherished by your Omega, loved and protected by your Alpha? Don't you want to be able to protect your Omega, to care for your Alpha?" he asks you.

You tear your eyes away from the women in front of you to look at him. "You are the Omega I protect, besides Alphas are not capable of love." You tell him, causing a distressed whine to fall from Wanda's lips. You look up to find unshed tears in the Omegas eyes. Shit. Natasha notices too and is quick to wrap her arms around the brunette, and she surprises herself by crooning to calm her. She hasn't done that in years, she didn't even know she still could after everything the Red Room did to her.

"Don't reject her." Natasha says, suddenly looking at you, "All she's ever wanted was to find her mates and be happy with them, please don't hurt her. And please just give me a chance to show you that I am capable of being your Alpha, I am capable of loving you. I will never hurt you, I promise."

You shift your gaze down to the floor uncertain on what to do, you didn't mean to hurt the Omega and you find yourself wanting so badly to believe the Alpha. You look up to your brother and find him giving you an encouraging smile.

"What...what are your names?" you ask, realizing you don't even know that important detail.

"I'm Natasha, this is Wanda" the Alpha replies still holding onto the Omega though she no longer looks as sad since you're at least still here and talking to them now.

"I'm sorry Wanda, I didn't mean to hurt you by saying those things." you say as you slowly approach the two women.

Wanda looks up to the Alpha who nods before releasing her. The Omega walks over to you and you embrace her in a hug that she gladly accepts, placing her head on your shoulder to scent you. You stand there a moment scenting her as well when she speaks, "Please give Tasha a chance. She's such an amazing, kind and gentle Alpha. I know she'll take such good care of us."

At hearing her Omega say these things Natasha is torn between feeling proud that her Omega has so much love and trust in her, and feeling guilty for not trying harder to work past her self doubt to dote on Wanda the way she deserves.

But she's quickly brought out of her thoughts when she notices you lift your head from Wanda's neck to look at her. She tries to look as non threatening as possible, but when you're an ex assassin for the KGB, an Avenger, and an Alpha that's a bit hard to accomplish. So to help out she gives off some calming pheromones while starting to croon again.

Peter is starting to get impatient with you. Can't you see the pain your Alpha is going through because you won't approach her, won't trust her, will barely even look at her. And despite all that she's still being the perfect Alpha by giving you so much patience and encouragement, he's probably only ten seconds away from pulling his own hair out in frustration when he notices Wanda shift in your hold.

Wanda lifts her head from your neck to look at you once she begins to hear and smell Natasha doing her best to help you be calm and to trust them. She can see you're still hesitant but she can also tell you're more willing than earlier, so she decides to help you approach the Alpha. She pulls away from your embrace, grabs one of your hands with her own and starts walking to Natasha.

You know what she's doing but you don't fight it because truly you did want to meet the Alpha and get to know them both, you were just scared. Scared of being abused again yes but also scared of just being used during their heats and ruts, of being hurt emotionally if you couldn't connect with them like they could connect with each other, of being rejected due to not fitting in.

Wanda stops the two of you just in front of Natasha, the woman looks over to the Omega, "Thank you malyshka(baby girl) for bringing our Delta to me." she says while cupping Wanda's face.

"I'm not your Delta. We may be soulmates, but I don't know you nor have we bonded." you say, tone harsher than intended. Wanda looks saddened by this but Natasha simply nods.

"Then how about we spend the rest of today getting to know each other?" the redhead asks you, eyes full of hope, "Of course your brother can stay if it makes you more comfortable."

You look back at Peter to find him smiling wide at you, excited by your progress. "That's ok, I think...I think I'd like to try this on my own." you reply, squeezing Wanda's hand subconsciously. The smiles of the three others in the room with you are something you won't soon forget.

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