Chapter 11: Gods and Snipers

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When none of you showed up for lunch Pietro had a sneaky suspicion he knew why, so he pulled out his phone to check on his twin.

Pietro: Need me to bring you all your meals?
Wanda: wait 10 minutes, then yes please
Pietro: ew
Wanda: don't ew me, this whole operation was your idea :p

He rolls his eyes and slides his phone back into his pocket. He busies himself by catching up with Clint for a few minutes before grabbing food for the three of you and heading off to your room. This time he knocks.

Nat opens the door, being a Beta he wasn't worried, he knew his scent wouldn't agitate her, or you for that matter. She takes the food from him, "So you can knock." she teases, "Thank you."

Pietro smirks as he catches the scent of his sister's heat and a glimpse of the red marks on each side of the Alphas neck, "No problem. I'll bring you your meals until her heats over. Just have her give me an all clear text. I do not want to hear anything, let alone see anything."

She chuckles, "No problem. See you at dinner time." she says shutting the door, leaving Pietro to shake his head.

Around the same time Peter can't figure out why you hadn't showed up to lunch. On the way back to the lab with Tony he shoots you a message.

Peter: You weren't at lunch, is everything ok?
Y/n: your sister is occupied at the moment, she'll get back to you - Nat
Peter: Holy shit!
Peter: I mean, ok thank you!

The Omega re reads his messages at least five times, unable to believe his eyes. Did that text mean what he thought it meant? He didn't want to show up at your door if you were busy, well, 'being' with your mates.

"What's up kid? You're being unusually quiet." Tony asks, looking over at Peter

"Uh, well...Mr. Stark, does this message mean, well you know?" he awkwardly asks the Alpha

Tony grabs the phone from him and reads it, "Oh my god, Romanoff, you did it. Yeah kid, it means exactly that, so just give them some space, don't wanna interrupt them. Now come on, we have a sniper to find." he says ruffling the Omegas hair the way you do

After lunch Wanda starts to build a nest for the three of you. Nat gives her some of her dirty work out shirts, heavy with the Alphas scent as well as all her extra soft and fluffy blankets that weren't currently on the bed. You give her your outfit from yesterday, it currently being the only thing of yours in the Alphas room with your scent on it.

Once she has it exactly how she likes it she grabs you and Nat by your hands and pulls you both over to it. The Alpha smiles lovingly at her befores carefully climbing in and sitting down. You join her and Wanda carefully positions herself between you both, she loves having you both so close.

It's then that your Alpha decides to broach a subject with you both, "I need to tell you both something and I should have said something sooner, but I was afraid one or both of you would reject me. And I know you can still reject me and force our bond apart but-" You interrupt her

"You're our Alpha, no matter what we would never hurt you like that." you tell her as your Omega wraps her up in a tight hug

"We're not going anywhere Tasha." Wanda says

Nat nods her head, her eyes become tear filled, she just got you both she doesn't want to lose either of you because of this. "The Red Room did something to all their Alphas, it made us all less fertile. I-I might not be able to give you pups right away. I'm sorry." she says, lowering her head in shame

"Hey." you say, gently lifting her chin up so she's looking at you, "It's ok." you admit

"I don't need to bear your pups right away to be happy with you Alpha, it'll happen when the time is right." Wanda tells her. Natasha relaxes into Wandas hug and you join the Omega in embracing your Alpha.

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