Chapter 14: Comfort

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   You ended up falling asleep, tucked safely into your mates sides. The stress from the letter and your crying had really worn you out. In order to help cheer you up Wanda decided to text your brother to ask him some things.

W.Maximoff: What's a restaurant your sister really likes, but doesn't get to have often?

P.Parker: Tony's Di Napoli in Upper E. Side or Totto Ramen in Hell's Kitchen

W.Maximoff: Does she like anything specific?

P.Parker: not really, she'll eat anything off the menu at both places

P.Parker: how is she?

W.Maximoff: She's alright. Fell asleep in our nest with us a little while ago

P.Parker: I'm glad she has you guys

While Wanda finishes up with Peter, Nat is Watching you as you sleep. You're using her thigh as a pillow and your arms are wrapped around her waist, her hand rests on your side so you can feel that she's there. You look much more relaxed now but your Alpha knows you're still upset by this, she is too. Bad enough there was a deranged Hunter after your hero identity, but to also have this asshole bothering you too made her feel a whole other type of protective over you.

Your Omega speaks suddenly, "I'm going to order some food for her. Do you think she's in more of an Italian mood or a Ramen mood?"

"I'm thinking Ramen." she says as she glances down at you

Wanda nods, "I was thinking that too. Do you want anything?"

Nat smiles,"Surprise me."

The Omega smiles as she looks over the menu, food always makes her feel better. Whether it be enjoying a meal with her loved ones or being able to cook a meal for them, so she was excited to choose something for both her mates to enjoy. She finishes up ordering then tucks her phone into her pocket. She snuggles into Nats side again, watching you sleep.

"Do you think she meant it when she said she'd take Russia right now?" the Alpha suddenly asks

Wanda looks up at her, "I don't think she meant it in a, 'I'm going to abandon my mates and go to a foriegn country' kind of way if that's what you mean."

"No, I know. I just mean, it's almost Christmas and my parents live in Russia. It'd be nice to be able to take the two of you to meet them and spend the holiday there. Plus Y/n could really use a break from everything happening in New York right now." the Alpha says

"I think that's a wonderful idea. What about our siblings?" the Omega asks

"Yelena would definitely be joining us. For Pietro and Peter the choice is up to them, they are definitely welcome but they can stay if they'd prefer." she answers.

Wanda nods, a smile on her face, "I can't wait to meet your parents and spend our first Christmans together."

"I can't wait either." Natasha says as she pictures the three of you decorating a Christmas tree, baking cookies, snuggled up by the fireplace watching cheesy movies.

A few more minutes pass before FRIDAY is informing Wanda that their food has been delivered. She goes to grab it from the desk downstairs as Nat begins to wake you.

"Baby, wake up. Our Omega has food for us." she says, stroking your cheek with her thumb. You grumble as you open your eyes, you find your Alpha is looking down at you with a smile on her face.

"Hi Tasha." you say, voice heavy with sleep still

Her smile widens, "Hey baby. Did you sleep ok?"

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