Chapter 13: Bad News, Good Mates

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By the time Peter makes it back to the Tower the two of you have already been gone almost three hours. He's sure that you and your mates are all feeling the discomfort of being separated from each other for so long. He's somewhat dreading having to walk in there and tell your Alpha that you ran off, and he has no idea why or where you went.

He paces in the elevator, nervously waiting for it to stop and the doors to open. Once they do, he wishes the floor would swallow him whole, or that he could turn invisible because waiting on the other side is Tony, Natasha and Wanda. All of whom stare at him.

"Uh hi guys." he says with a small wave and nervous smile as he steps out in front of them.

"Hey kid, where's your sister?" Tony asks, confusion evident on his face.

Peter locks eyes with your Alpha, "I don't know. But I know somethings wrong and I know she's not ok."

Wanda can feel the panic building up inside herself. What did he mean you weren't ok and something was wrong? You were only going to your Aunts house, and you said you'd come right back to them. Where was her and Nats mate?

Natasha breathes heavily, trying to calm herself so she can care for her Omega as well as question Peter. "Tell me what happened, please." she tells the teen

"We were walking from Aunt Mays to the subway to come back here and everything was fine, but then suddenly she was throwing up in a trashcan. She was crying and shaking, so I knew something was wrong but she insisted she was fine. Then she told me to come back here without her, I tried to say that you guys wouldn't like that but she just shouted about having her phone before she ran off. She's never left me alone in the city before." he says sadly, hes obviously very worried about you

Tony comforts the young Omega by resting a hand on his shoulder, "Do you know any places she would go when upset?" he asks

"Yeah, there's normally quite a few but without the spider suit there's really only three. Where our Uncle Ben is buried in St. Michaels Cemetery, the Carousel in Central Park, or the roof of Alias Investigations in Hell's Kitchen." Your Alphas eyes widen at the mention of Hell's Kitchen, "Oh don't worry a friend owns the place, she's totally safe there."

Tony fishes some car keys out of his pocket and tosses them to Nat, "Take the Bentley. It's got four seats, and it's fast." he says with a wink.

Nat grabs Wanda by the hand and quickly takes the elevator down to Tony's garage, they quickly find and hop in the car. The Alpha speeds out of the garage intent on heading to Hell's Kitchen first, as it's the closest. Next to her, the Omega is attempting to call you.

You stare at your phone as it vibrates violently in the grass next to where you sit, Wandas name lights up the screen and you can only imagine how worried she and Natasha must be yet you can't bring yourself to answer. Instead you shift your gaze back to the opened letter in your shaking hands.

It's from the Alpha that abused you as a pup, to your surprise and horror he was let out of prison much earlier than when he was meant to be due to 'good behavior'. And of course after getting readjusted back in the normal world he decides to write to you of all people. You've read the letter at least three times and you still feel like it can't be real, the things he had to say made you panic.

"Hi sugar,
I sure have missed you over the years, hasn't quite been the same without my cute little pup. I'm out now, and back in New York. I know you're older but you're still mine, and I can't wait to find you. To be able to see you again, to hold you again, to bond with you again is all I can think about. I won't keep you waiting too much longer, I can't wait to sink my teeth into your scent gland and make you mine, for good this time.
P.S. How's your brother? My brother misses his Omega.
Love, Mike your Alpha"

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