Chapter 12: Back To Queens

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You look at the billionaire, "So, Peter and I are being hunted?" you ask.

"Yeah kid, it looks that way." the Alpha admits

Wanda lets out a distressed whine as she hugs you, she's clearly very worried for the safety of her Delta. Rightfully so considering there's a madman with a rifle after you. You wrap your arms around her, "Don't worry sweet girl, Tasha's not going to let anything happen to me." you say while looking over at your Alpha.

Natasha can't stand the look of fear in your eyes. But her heart soars when she hears you put your faith and trust fully in her, your Alpha. She won't let you down, not now or ever.

"I will never let him hurt you again moye solntse(my sunshine), Tony and I are going to figure out why this guys after you and Peter and we're going to take him down." she says as she wraps her arms around you and Wanda. Tony smiles softly at the scene in front of him, he's glad Nat shows her softer side now that she found her mates.

He clears his throat, "According to T'challa, this guy is a total nutcase. Well that's what I took away from the conversation. He used to be a big game hunter, the harder the hunt and the more exotic the prey the better. Eventually that wasn't enough for him anymore, he wanted something more exciting and apparently that meant going after superheroes. SHIELDs file says he went after Black Panther, lost that one, he went after the first White Tiger, won that one, and now his target is your Spiderlings."

"He's after the hero, not the person behind the mask?" you ask, pulling back from the hug and Tony nods.

"So if she and Peter don't wear their suits and swing around the city they'll be ok?" Wanda asks, tone hopeful as she holds Nats hand.

Again Tony nods, "He has no clue who they are under the mask and I doubt that information would even mean anything to him. All he wants is the kill, so yeah if they became civilians they'd be safe."

"Whoa, hang on. That's fine for now, but that can't be our way to handle this permanently. Peter and I made a promise to each other and this city when we got our powers, we aren't about to break that promise because of a deranged exotic game hunter." you retort

Your Alpha cups your face, "I would never ask you to give up your hero identities. This is just for now love, please. He came too close to getting you last time, I don't want him to get a second chance."

You can see the fear in her eyes, "Ok, just for a little while. Until you and Tony find him and kick his ass."

"Thank you." she says as she rests her forehead on yours

"Well I'll leave the three of you now, I have a crazy Russian to track down. Uh, no offense Romanoff." Tony says

"None taken. We'll be in my room, when you find him I want to know." she tells him

"Of course. Go spend time with your mates." he says as he makes his way back down to the labs.

The three of you begin to make your way to your Alphas room, but you stop abruptly once you see the hall leading to your room.

"Detka(Baby)?" Wanda questions

"I didn't bring much with me when Peter and I came the other day, but it only feels right to grab what I did bring and move it into our Alphas room." you answer her

Natasha smiles as she lets you lead her and Wanda down the hall and into your room. You let go of your mates hands as you walk around the bare room grabbing your things and setting them all on the bed. You gather them in a small backpack before you make your way back over to the doorway, grabbing your Alpha and Omegas hands once more.

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