Chapter 10: Unbreakable Bond

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Back in the Alphas room, the two of you are enjoying some quality time. After Wanda had left, you moved closer to Nat, cuddling into her side. She wraps an arm around you, keeping you close.

"How did you and Wanda know about what happened to Peter and I as pups?" you ask suddenly

"Tony. He called your Aunt the day you guys came to join the team, he wanted to know more about you both so he could be a good mentor. The way he gave Wanda and I advice on how to talk to you clued her in on him knowing, so I asked him to tell me just so I knew what the Alphas did so I wouldn't do anything similar that would upset or trigger you." she says. You simply nod your head in understanding.

"Does it upset you that we knew?" she asks, slightly nervous that you're angry with her or Wanda, not really caring at the moment if you were mad at Tony.

"No, I know Aunt May wouldn't have gone into details with Tony. As for you and Wanda knowing, it actually helps me. I'm not very good at opening up about things, so it's helpful to know that the two of you knew this whole time and didn't try prying the information out of me, in fact you both did everything you could to make me feel safe and comfortable." you admit

"Do you feel safe and comfortable with me?" she asks

"I do. I trusted you the moment you opened up about your past and insecurities to us in Tony's study. And I've been comfortable with you since you told me you wouldn't let any of the Alphas harm me, Wanda or Peter before dinner that night when you held my hand. I told you, you're nothing like the Alpha that hurt me." you tell her.

She smiles at your words, "I don't think you understand how happy hearing you say that makes me, moye solntse(my sunshine). The Red Room made me do horrible things, taught us 'love is for children'. And I worry a lot that it changed me, made me into a monster unworthy of having mates, unworthy of being loved."

"You're no monster Tasha. You take care of Wanda and I so well, you're such an amazing Alpha. I can't think of anyone more worthy than you." you say honestly. And it's then you actually realize you want her, you've wanted both her and Wanda since meeting but you buried those feelings under fear and stubbornness.

A tear runs down her cheek, you reach up cupping her face and brush it away with your thumb. The way she's looking at you right now, in pure happiness is definitely something you want to see more often. Her deep green eyes look into yours, "You're so beautiful, moye solntse(my sunshine)." she tells you

You brush a strand of her fiery hair from her face, "So are you, Tasha." you tell her as you lean forward, connecting your lips with hers.

Natasha cups your face with one hand, the other hand grabbing your waist and pulling you closer. Your hands rest on her hips and she swipes her tongue across your bottom lip, you gladly open your mouth letting her deepen the kiss. Your hands go from her hip to her thighs and she groans into your mouth as she can feel her cock begin to strain against her underwear. Her scent makes your eyes dilate.

You're so wrapped up in each other's lips and scents that neither of you even register the door to the bedroom opening and closing. Wanda watches the two of you for a moment, until the strong scent of your Alphas arousal mixed with your intense scent hits her like a truck. She feels slick begin to pool between her thighs, the strong scents of her mates triggering her heat.

The scent of your Omega practically overwhelms you and Nat, you both turn to find her approaching the bed. Her legs almost turn to jelly when she sees you both look at her with half lidded, dilated eyes.

"Malyshka(baby girl)?" the Alpha asks, not expecting her back this early, and certainly not expecting her to suddenly go into heat

Wanda practically sprints to the bed sitting with the two of you. She wraps her arms around your neck as she kisses you slowly and softly, your hands wrap around her pulling her onto your thigh. You can feel how warm and wet she already is through her pants, and you let out a moan at the feeling

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