Chapter 15: Parents

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The flight to Russia didn't take as long as you had expected, probably due to the fact that Fury let you borrow a quinjet and man do those things move. When you'd all woke in the morning you each practically sprinted around the compound to say goodbye to everyone before loading your bags and yourselves into the jet. The excitement was rolling off your Alpha in waves.

"I can't wait until we're there. I want to show you St. Petersburg, my parents don't live too far from the city." she says, a glowing smile on her face, you can hear Yelena chuckle from the pilots seat

"I can't wait to get there. Russia and Sokovia are quite similar culturally, it will be nice to have that familiarity around me." your Omega says

"I've honestly never left New York before so I'm super excited!" you tell them

Your Alpha chuckles and smiles at you, she is so glad to see you in a better mood and more relaxed. You deserved to have a fun and relaxing holiday and not focus on the people and problems back home. Your Omega is happy to see you smile again, she's happy that you've been given a chance to rest and relax. She secretly hopes you and Nat will mate with her again during this stay, not only because it would be romantic but also because she craves having her mates.

"We're here!" Yelena suddenly shouts

Excitement fills the three of you as you feel the quinjet set down in an open spot in a nearby field. You love seeing how happy the two Russians seem at being able to see their parents. You knew they weren't their parents by blood, just as you knew Nat and Yelena weren't sisters by blood but that fact didn't matter to any of them. They had clearly formed their own family, one you and Wanda were glad to now be a part of.

"Come on, we can come back for our bags." Natasha says. She's clearly very eager to show you around and show you off to her parents. You and Wanda stand and join her in walking to the jet door. Yelena rushes past the three of you and out onto the property making your Alpha roll her eyes.

"Mama! Put the rifle down! It's only us!" you hear her shout. Nat chuckles at the look you and Wanda have on your faces

"I had to be sure." the older woman says

The three of you emerge from the jet, "You know anyone else that would land a jet in your yard?" your Alpha asks

She smirks, "That answer may surprise you."

"Nothing would surprise us at this point Mama." Yelena teases as she wraps her arms around her mother

"It is so good to see you both." the woman says as she returns the gesture. Her eyes fall upon you and Wanda as you get closer, "And who are these two krasivyye devochki (beautiful girls)?"

Natashas face lights up, "Mama, these are my mates. This is Wanda, my Omega and Y/n, my Delta."

"Oh Natasha, how wonderful. I am so happy for you." she says as she treats her eldest daughter to a hug, she pulls away and looks at you and Wanda, "So nice to meet you both, we can talk more inside out of the cold."

"Let me just grab our bags" your Alpha says

"Oh nonsense, that's what your Papa is for." she says "Alexei!"

You wait for a minute before hearing footsteps, though they aren't human ones. A large pig suddenly comes into view and walks up to Melina, nudging her leg with its nose.

She looks down and chuckles. "Not you, silly pig."

Then a large man comes into view, "My girls!" he shouts, sprinting forward. He practically tackles Yelena, who eagerly hugs the man. They both chuckle as he spins her around.

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