Chapter 16: Home Cooked Meal

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  Your Alpha leads you to the bedroom, grabbing your bags on the way. The room is decent sized and its decor is cute, like something you would find in a quaint Russian cabin. Which you supposed that's what this technically was.

Natasha sets the bags down at the foot of the bed before turning to you and Wanda. She gives you both a loving smile before approaching you both. She pulls you both into a tight embrace, which you both eagerly return. Her green eyes look over both her mates, and you can tell something is on her mind.

"Is everything ok, Alpha?" you ask

"Everything is perfect. I have the two of you." she says with a smile before walking backwards, tugging you both along with her. Wanda giggles as the Alpha gets you both over to the bed, "Cuddles?" she asks

Wanda eagerly nods, never one to turn down quality time with her mates. You smile at them before also nodding. Nat pulls the beds covers back before hopping into the middle, allowing you and Wanda to cuddle into each of her sides before she pulls the covers up over the three of you.

A calming quiet settles over you as you all get comfortable. Once settled your Alpha wraps an arm around each of you, before pressing a kiss to each of your foreheads. Your Omega purrs at the affection which only causes Natashas smile to grow.

"I love you both so much. I'm so glad I get to spend this time with you both." she tells you both

Wanda kisses her cheek, still purring, "Love you too, Alpha."

"Love you too, Tasha" you reply with a smile

Before anything else can be said the sound of the door closing along with footsteps can be heard walking about the house.

"The three of you better be decent in there!" Yelena teasingly shouts

Nat rolls her eyes, "No, we decided to fuck with the door wide open!"

"Natasha!" Wanda scolds, the blush on her cheeks showing her embarrassment. You laugh at the half amused half apologetic look on the Alphas face, making your Omega scold you as well.

"Y/n, don't encourage her," she tells you

You mock salute, "Yes ma'am."

Your Alpha elbow you lightly, "What was that? You gave in easily."

"Can you blame me? Look at those eyes, that nose scrunch." you reply

They both smile at you, clearly whipped for your Omega. Though you were whipped for your Alpha too, they just didn't need to know that presently. The clearing of a throat brings everyone's attention to the bedrooms doorway.

"You know, I don't think I've ever seen you be this soft and relaxed before." she states as she observes her sister

A faint blush appears on the Alphas cheeks, "Shut up"

The blond laughs, "I'm not trying to tease you sestra(sister). Just stating an observation." Her gaze shifts to you and then Wanda, "You guys are good for her, she needed this."

Nats blush deepens as you both glance up at her, she's still not terribly used to being vulnerable so it throws her a bit that Yelena can already sense all these changes with her now that her two mates have come into her life.

You cup one of her cheeks, making her look at you, "We needed this too"

"We needed her." Wanda adds, wrapping an arm around her waist, cuddling closer to your Alpha

Yelena smiles before sighing, "All right, I can only handle so much of the cute shit. Mama wants to know if the three of you have a preference for dinner."

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