Ch4. Moebius?

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Myra's pov,
It's been five days since I've met up with Mikey. Takemitchi told me that toman was going to fight a gang called moebius soon. That's probably why he was busy. Probably he forgot about me among such conflicts. "Myra-chan? Will you come with me to convince Mikey-kun to not fight moebius? They're bad news" Takemitchi asked me as me him and Hina were walking back from school. It had become a part of my daily routine to walk them home safely since I had nothing else to do anyways. "Eh? Takemitchy do you really think Mikey will listen to me?" I facepalmed and asked him back. "Yes! Myra-chan he actually likes you alot and he definitely will listen to you" Takemitchi told me making me blush.
"Takemitchi-kun is right Myra-chan! Have you seen the way he looks at you-" "Ah Hina! Not you too" I stated and started walking ahead of them.

"Mikey-kun! You can't fight moebius!" Takemitchi ran in the abandoned garage in the middle of a discussion. I saw two unknown men with Draken and Mikey. Mikey looked up and seemed shocked when he saw me with Takemitchi. "Baka! Why did you bring Myra here Takemitchy!" He yelled at poor Takemitchi. "I-i Mikey-kun I thought she'd talk to you alongside me-" "Do you know how dangerous this area is Takemitchy?" Mikey said angrily but I went over to him and held his hand making his features automatically soften. "Ya Mikey. Calm down. I'm fine you see? I'm right here with you. No one can harm me" I told him softly not wanting him to scold the younger boy who became like a brother to me in this very short time.

"Huh? Who do we have here with these middle schoolers? She seems like a good time. Is she your side piece Mikey?" The dude called osanai said with a smirk while looking me up and down. But before anyone could say anything Pah ran over to punch him. I tightened my hold on Mikey's arm. "I'm scared Mikey-" "you'll be fine Myra. I promise I'll kill osanai if he even tries to come near you" he growled. Within minutes pah fell onto Mikey's shoulder making me let go of his hand so he could hold him properly. "Let me see her properl-" osanai tried to come closer when Mikey finished him off with one amazing kick to his face making me gasp. I never saw this side of him before. It was great yet terrifying.

"Pah! What are you doing run!" Mikey yelled out but Pah sat down beside osanai's hurt body wanting to take responsibility for his action. I tried to take Mikey with me but he wouldn't budge. "Draken! We need to get Mikey out!" I yelled at Draken and be came over and took Mikey on his shoulder before running out of the garage. I took Takemitchi's hand and we both started running out together. I felt bad for Mikey cause all he wanted was to save his friend. Takemitchi couldn't handle getting beaten up that badly cause he passed out within mintues making me stop aswell. Mikey stopped too but Draken dragged him and me away telling us that Emma will take care of Takemitchi. Who was Emma?

I ran ran and ran until I reached the Tachibana residence. I was scared shitless so when Hina opened the door I fell on her arms sobbing. "Ah! Myra-chan? What happened? Are you hurt?" She asked me in worry but I nodded a no. "I'm so sorry Hina! I couldn't save Takemitchy. Emma- she'll take him to the hospital I-" I started crying again not knowing what to say or do. "What happened to Takemitchi-kun?! Myra-chan answer to me!" Hina demanded. "H-he got beaten up badly by osanai of moebius. He passed out" I sobbed out.

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