Ch.5 fight

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Myra's pov,
"Who the fuck is that?!" I asked Takemitchi in an angry tone as I walked in on him putting his hand on a girl's boobs. "AHHH! MYRA-CHAN YOU WALKED IN ON THE WRONG TIME! I DIDN'T-" "Perv" the girl said in a unfazed tone. "Hi! I'm Tachibana Myra" I said to the girl while extending my hand but she immediately bursted into tears making me confused. Did I say something wrong? "Mikey and Draken had a fight. Draken called me to tell me that this will be the end of toman" she said while sobbing lightly. Holy shit. So much has happened while I was in my room not moving cause I was so damn scared after the fight. The honey blonde girl fell straight onto Takemitchi's lap while crying and that's when Hina walked in. To be honest it didn't look very decent. Bad timing for Takemitchi. I tutted and went out of the room as Hina started scolding Takemitchi.

I took a deep breath before entering Mikey's school. God I hope I find him or Draken. Anyone who can actually goddamn explain this whole division of toman thing to me. "Hello could you please tell me where to find Sano Manjiro?" I asked a black haired guy who gulped and pointed towards a classroom. I thanked him and entered the room making the whole class and the teacher look at me with annoyed expressions. "Myra? Did you come to meet me?" Mikey said in a cheery tone as usual from the back of the class. How was he so calm after what happened that day? "Let's go somewhere private" he said and took my hand to leave. The teacher didn't even stop him. Guess he was scared of him too. We went up to the roof of the school before he said "I'm so glad you came to meet me Myra! I missed you so much" he said with a smile and came to hug me but I stopped him before he could. "Mikey! Does toman breaking up mean nothing to you? How are you so okay with everything? Draken your best friend! You fought with him for what-" "if you're here to give me lectures then you can leave Myra because I don't care about anything that you have to say about that man. Pah-chin doesn't deserve to be in jail." he cut me off now looking cold all of a sudden. It made me sad that he was talking to me like that specially because how sweet he was all the time.

"I'm sorry if I overstepped Mikey-kun" I said bitterly and left the rooftop leaving him shocked. Now I knew why they're fighting. Mikey wants to get Pah out of jail while Draken wants to respect Pah's wishes. I'm sorry to say but I had to side with Draken. Cause Pah went to jail on his own wish.

"Did you cry?" I was met with Draken's surprised voice as I entered Takemitchi's apartment. I sniffled slightly not being able to control myself. God it was so embarrassing I was crying infront of Takemitchi, his friends and Draken. Draken engulfed me in a hug and patted my head awkwardly trying to calm me as I continued crying. "I'm sorry. I just had a fight with Mikey and I hate it" I said softly as I parted from Draken while wiping my eyes clean. "You fought with him too?!" Takemitchi yelled out while facepalming. "I just realized that Draken is right. Mikey's being childish" I huffed and let out making Draken smile slightly. "Yeah he can be pretty childish sometimes. But I won't forgive him this time" he growled at the last part and started leaving. Me and Takemitchi followed him out as Takemitchi tried to reason with him about bringing back toman. The three of us were met face to face with Mikey who looked cold towards Draken but when he saw my puffy eyes his face showed pure guilt.

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