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Comment on a song and I'll tell you:

If You Don't Know- last lie I told

Close As Strangers- last person I kissed

Heartbreak Girl- top 5 insecurities

She Looks So Perfect- top 5 favorite things about me

Wherever You Are- best summer I had and why

Rejects- biggest regret

Don't Stop- top 5 favorite songs

Lost Boy- biggest secret

Heartache on the Big Screen- first person I ever liked

Good Girls- describe my type

Long Way Home- describe my ideal day and night

Beside You- if I could have one wish, what would it be?

Amnesia- scariest moment of my life

Wrapped Around Your Finger- talk about my current crush

Tomorrow Never Dies- top 5 things on my bucket list


Kind of bored, so...comment on which one(s) you want me to do, and I'll reply to your comment with my answer. Feel free to answer them yourself, too.


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