laser tag

257 23 13

Michael's the kind of guy who'd go and play laser tag with the boys but take it super seriously and he'd be doing these weird rolls and shit to get to shelter and would take Luke as his shield so that he doesn't get tagged and when he gets 1st place he'd take the score card and put it in his wallet or something because he'd be super proud of it okay


Aw I can imagine this aw aw aw

I'm getting really in creative with these questions lately so...

QotC: Favorite YouTubers?

I watch a lot of people...Smosh, nigahiga, PewdiePie, cinemasins, PointlessBlog, ThatcherJoe, Dan and Phil, a lot more than that...I also watch a lot of music-related stuff (does ohemmoh count as a YouTuber even though that isn't even the name of her account?) plus music videos and stuff


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