importance rant

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I feel like there's a certain moment when you fully realize the core importance of each member in 5SOS. And it isn't just musically, either, you just realize how important each member is to the band overall.

Take Luke. Without him, 5SOS would never have existed. If he had never uploaded his first cover to YouTube, none of this would be happening. The boys would probably all be off at Uni doing whatever. But he did end up uploading that video, and even more after that. Obviously, he's physically attractive, and even though most fans call people who only know of him "fake fans", he might be their link into the fandom. All of us have swerved lanes at some point or another, and there's no reason to judge a person just because of who their fave is. As for his musical talent, his voice is absolutely amazing and immediately stands out when you hear it. His guitar playing is incredible as well. Luke is our little awkward penguin who feels proud to wear grown up shoes. He plays such an important role in the band, and we all know it. Without him, a piece would be missing from 5SOS.

Now look at Michael. Without Michael, 5SOS would never have existed. Luke would have had no one to hate in Year 10 and then become best friends with the year after. Calum would never have nudged his way into the group. Ashton would never have been invited to join. The band wouldn't even have a name! Michael has contributed so much to the band, and he needs to be acknowledged more for it. His talent with guitar is off the charts, just look at a live performance! His voice is so distinct and perfect, especially in songs like Rejects or Social Casualty, or the American Idiot cover. He brings all us fangirls (and fanboys) together and makes us all go insane when he dyes his hair or does...basically anything, to be honest! He's our crazy, video game- and pizza-loving idiot-kitten. He plays such an important role in the band, and we all know it. Without him, a piece would be missing from 5SOS.

Next look at Calum. Without him, 5SOS would have never existed. What if he had never been friends with Michael or Luke? What if he hadn't given up football to be in the band? What if he hadn't accepted becoming the bassist? What if he hadn't gotten on one knee to ask Ashton to join that night? Thank goodness he had done all these things, or we wouldn't be living the lives we live today! He's such an amazing bass player, and his voice has developed over the years so much in such good ways. I always love hearing his voice in their records, same with the other three. Although there's a fairly even line between likers and haters of the blonde streak, he always looks amazing, and I don't think any of us can help but fangirl when we see pictures of his arm veins/biceps/basically every part of him...and we all come together when we feel that he needs to be protected, especially when something happens to him that goes viral. He's our weird, squishy-faced puppy. He plays such an important role in the band, and we all know it. Without him, a piece would be missing from 5SOS.

Then there's finally Ashton. He could have turned Michael's invitation to perform that night down. He could have never picked up a drumstick in his life, or any other instrument for that matter. He could have avoided singing and making mix tapes in his bedroom. He could have avoided inspiration to perform entirely. But he didn't, and thank goodness he didn't. He built the band up, helping the other three become more focused and serious about their overall goals. He is so insanely talented when it comes to music, he can practically pick up any instrument and play it on the spot. And I love that he sings while playing drums, that really takes skill...I know I could never do that! When it comes to looks, whether it's 2013 hair, bandanas galore, or long hair man buns, he's hot as heck no matter what. He's so kind and loving and he does his best to interact with fans as much as possible, as do the other boys. He's the boy who first got me into this band, to be completely honest. He's my personal sunshine, as he is for so many other girls and boys all over the world. He's our giggly, muscular kangaroo who has the most infectious smile the world has ever seen. He plays such an important role in the band, and we all know it. Without him, a piece would be missing from 5SOS.

See? Every one of them plays an important part in the band. And you know who else plays an important part?


These four boys from Sydney never could have gotten anywhere without your help. It doesn't matter when you entered this fandom, you've helped them along the way.

Without you, a piece would be missing from 5SOS.

Never, ever forget that.


This took me about half an hour to write and it's like 2:15 am now and I'm honestly not disappointed with myself. If really appreciate if you'd go and read it all the was through. It's a really important message that I think everyone in this fandom should recognize.

QotC: What is your favorite thing about each of the boys? (If you can pick)

I think I've basically explained everything for me already with this


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