permanent vacation video

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So it's rumored that the boys are going to be filming a music video (probably for Permanent Vacation) within the next few days. So I have my own little idea as to what it's going to be like. Actually, I have two.

1) So it starts out with the boys in a van just sort of driving through the wilderness with their instruments in the back (this is before the music starts). They're all looking around like it isn't where their supposed to be, and suddenly the van pulls to a stop and each boy is thrown out individually, followed my their instrument of choice (Ashton just gets his drumsticks). They look up together and find that they're all stuck in the middle of nowhere. Then it starts up with the "na na na" part and they do a big montage of them trying to set up some sort of camp, but all of them are struggling miserably except Ashton because he's a wilderness man. They manage to set up their instruments and stuff and by the time the bridge comes along, they're all rocking out in the middle of nowhere. Then, when the song is all over, a van pulls up to where they are and they're all covered in dirt and stuff and exhausted, and the driver of the van tells them that there was a city like 5 minutes away by walk.

2) Each of the boys are set up in their own individual "vacation". Michael is playing video games in his mancave, Luke is at some sort of amusement park, Calum is walking through a city sight-seeing, and Ashton is hanging out at a beach (could vary). It starts out with Michael singing the first verse on a couch, just sort of relaxing and stuff, and the whole first verse + refrain is each of them having a good time doing whatever. But then, when it comes to the second verse and onward, stuff starts falling to pieces: Ashton walks out of the ocean with a bunch of crabs stuck to him, Calum starts getting beat up by a street performer of some sort (like a mime), Luke gets stuck at the top of a ferris wheel, and Michael's power goes out (again, could vary). The bridge is them getting really frustrated with everything, and they start texting each other, saying that each of their holidays had sucked completely, and they decide to meet up to do a random rehearsal. The final refrain is all of them performing together inside someone's garage, rocking out like they were on stage the whole time.


I am so proud of myself for coming up with these, you have no clue.

By the way, thanks so much for 20K reads on this book! You guys are amazing! Keep reading, voting, and commenting :)

QotC: What do you think the music video is going to be like?

Obviously, I've already answered this. I just want to see what you guys think!


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