rolling stone rant

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That article is an analysis of the Rolling Stone article that recently came out about the boys. Open the link. Read it.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'll sum it up for you: Rolling Stone had a cover story about 5SOS that came out recently. It's incredibly controversial, with quotes from the boys that are twisted to sound misogynistic and incredibly sexist. It portrays them as disgusting people, party animals that don't give a shit about their fans. It mostly hits on Calum and Luke, though it mentions Michael and his depression and it's just overall horrible.

If you have read it, please don't believe it.

You need to remember that they're teenage boys. They're going to party. They've almost definitely taken advantage of groupies, but that doesn't mean they're terrible people. Words can be taken out of context. This article barely talks about the music they write as well. It makes it seem like they don't care, but we need to remember that they absolutely do. We've been assured countless times by them that they care. They love us.

This always happens when the boys go on break. Drama ensues and they can't do anything about it. They aren't with each other, they're spending time with their families like they should. There is no reason for us to be intruding on their personal time just to confront stupid rumors. We need to calm down about all this and let them figure it out.

Everyone just needs to relax.

Don't believe everything you read guys.



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