Chapter 6

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Later that evening, when I'm trying to get myself a bowl of ice cream-the only tub of ice cream we have because tía is a little strict when it comes to junk food-do I see Luke with the refrigerator door open just staring at the food. It's a miracle it hasn't beeped for being open for too long.

"Don't waste power, Lucas," I mock, shutting the door on him.

"Hey! Do you know how long it took me to open that?" No, and I don't particularly care. "And by the way, it's Lukas with a 'k', not a 'c'." Huh, I've never really heard it spelled that way before.

"I don't believe in wasting power." Grabbing a spoon from the drawer, he walks through me-which, let me be the first to say, is WEIRD-and sits on the counter. I'd protest, but I can't even touch him.

"Well, that's what I'm here to talk to you about." Seriously?

"Our power usage?" I have a hard time believing he'd want to hear anything about that boring topic.

"No, the power that you have." That's the other option. Which I failed to think of.

"Oh." Putting my focus back onto my ice cream, I take a bite as he continues talking.

"You never know, your tainted hot dog might be right around the corner." And, now I'm done eating. Thanks, Luke, for ruining my appetite. "I have this Sunset Curve song that I wrote and we never got to record." He unfolds a piece of paper with lyrics scribbled in very bad handwriting. Like MAJORLY bad. Is this even readable? "If you just add a little bit of piano, it'll sound amazing."

"What for?" It's not like I'm magically getting back into the music program any time soon.

"To get back into the music program." There's just one tiny problem.

"I asked. And she said I have to wait until next semester." He just scoffs, as if that's the easiest problem in the world to fix.

"That was your first mistake. Asking." And what else should I have done? This is high school, not the real world. "You gotta slam those rules right back in their face."

"This is high school. And your plan sounds violent." What? It actually kind of does.

"It's a closed door and you gotta bust it open. Sunset Curve booked gigs by doing." Uh huh. And look where that landed you. Dead. "We played in front of clubs, back of clubs, even book clubs."

"Still not an option," I remind him, but he completely dismisses my comment.

"If you want to play music, you have to fight for it. Rolling over isn't an option. What do you say?" Okay, he has kind of convinced me with those last couple sentences.

"Alright, but what does it entail?" I wonder, and a smile forms on his face that leaves an unsettling feeling in my stomach.

After two hours of practice, eight hours of sleep, and the time it takes to get to school, the nerves in my stomach are at an all time high. I cannot believe I am going to play a song I just learned for Mrs. Harrison to prove that I should be in the music program. I shouldn't even be doing this.

If you want to play music, you have to fight for it.

Those words, oddly enough, inspire me just enough to walk into the music room only to find Flynn playing her trumpet discordantly.

"Where is everyone?" I wonder, completely forgetting about the big thing Carrie is in. She used to be my friend, but that seems like such a foreign thought now.

"Spirit rally. I didn't go 'cause I'm not feeling very spirit-y." I couldn't relate more to that statement right now, Flynn.

"I had this big plan to play for Mrs. Harrison to get my spot back..." Now what am I supposed to do?

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