Chapter 23

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"So, you've got seven, now six, days to figure out how to bind with a ghost you've most likely never met?" Yep. That's a summary of everything I just told you, Flynn. I think I'm just lucky I'm able to stay awake today after getting another jolt last night. I don't know how, but I don't know that I want to know why because the answer might be worse than not knowing.

"Basically. And it's all because of some stamp the guys got when they met a really evil ghost." I think I remember Alex saying the name Caleb, but I don't want to get her super involved in a world that she can't see. At least, she now believes ghosts are actually soulmate-less dead people instead of whatever she originally thought happened.

If we all can't find the people we're supposed to bind to before the seven days are up, we all disappear for good. I don't want to lose everything I have now, especially when it all seems to be going well.

"I can't lose you." Flynn nearly squeezes the living daylights out of me with a hug, and I almost swear I feel a couple tears wet my shirt, but the bell rings before I can get a good look at her face. "Meet me in the library at lunch! Don't be late!"

My morning classes are boring and can't distract me from the millions of thoughts racing through my head. I'm just praying I don't get another jolt because if people who can't see ghosts see that, I don't know how they'll react. Most likely, they'd send me to a hospital and that's the last place I need to be. As soon as the obnoxiously loud and abrasive bell rings to signal that it's time for lunch, I head to the library instead of Flynn and I's usual table in the cafeteria.

"So, what exactly is the plan here, Flynn?" I ask, hoping for a plan that doesn't make her seem like she's off her rocker.

"We're going to put your word in one of those anonymous chat rooms." Flynn, are you being serious? I'd rather die than tell random strangers what my word is before finding my soulmate. Okay, that might be a stretch, since that's what'll happen if I don't, but it's still weird to think about, let alone do. "Julie, this is your only chance."

"Flynn, how about we just research the best ones and I'll do it at home." Doing it here is like flashing the whole library and it feels wrong.

"Fine. Mostly because I'd probably say the same thing if I were in your position." Flynn compromises, walking towards the computer furthest from the doors and away from the people playing Call of Duty or whatever shoot-em-up game they decided to choose to play during their half hour of free time.

"So, we need to find a website that, preferably, has a huge ghost population on it." Yes, Flynn. Now, please, you didn't speak loud enough for the whole school to hear you, just the library.

"Just be quiet, Flynn." I whisper, and she nods while I log in to the computer and pull up Google. "Alright, so do you have any idea what to type in?"

"A rough idea."  She takes the keyboard and types in "soulmate finder ghosts". I mean, it works and does what we want it to, so I can't blame her for the bluntness of the search terms. "Let's see if anything pops up on here." I scroll down the first page, seeing a couple websites that don't seem like total hacks and open them up in different tabs and continue to scroll. After three pages of reading through website names, Flynn and I managed to pick out six different sites.

Eventually, after reading through all six of them, one stands out as the clear best. Plus, it's free, so I'm not paying just to find the person I'm meant to be with. I'm still not filling out my information, but I write down the website on a slip of paper and head to class.

"Text me with proof that you did it after school." Of course, Flynn. Heading to my next class, I pull out my soulmate diary, detailing what I've been going through since my last entry and what's been going on with my life.

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