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"Cocaine stains on my Nikes" - Chase Atlantic

I woke up with a groan feeling the pounding of my head. I rolled over clutching my forehead. I opened my eyes looking around at the scenery, not recognizing the room, I then remembered that I went with Mitchel so I must be at his house still. I sat up and looked at the side table and I saw a note along with 2 white pills and a water bottle. The note read "For the headache.- Mitchel" I quickly took the pill and felt the headache slowly fade as I drank the water. I looked down at what I was wearing and it was a plain black shirt. I got out the bead scanning the room for my original clothes and they were no wear to be found.

I walked into the bathroom and found my clothes scattered on the floor, picking them up. I change and begin looking for my phone and purse which is nowhere to be found. I make my way out of the room and down the stairs, looking to my left I find the living room I was in last night. I spot Clinton and Christian playing video games. I walk in, spotting my purse sitting on the couch. Quickly I grabbed it and searched for my phone, finding it. "Where can I plug in my charger?" I finally spoke. Christian pointed over to the wall by the tv. I went over there plugging it in and waiting for it to turn on. It powered on and I read the time, I slept until 10am . I opened it and quickly called Kiara, asking her to come pick me up and she agreed. So I sat on the couch watching them 1v1 on call of duty. Christian was whooping Clinton's ass. I asked to play and Clinton gave me his controller. Me and Christian played a few rounds because Christian refused to stop until he won again. He finally gave up seeing he wasn't going to win. I got up and looked behind me to see Mitchel sitting there watching us. "Shit I didn't know you were in here." I laughed.

I went to check my phone to call and see if Kiara was almost here but she texted me "sorry girl something came up with my mom" so I asked if anyone could drive me home and Mitchel volunteered. We got in the car and I gave him the directions to my house. I got out and thanked Mitchel for driving me. As soon as I got in my house I went to take a shower and replace my clothes with shorts and a long sweatshirt. I went to the kitchen and started cooking some food because my stomach is severely empty. I cooked Shrimp Alfredo. I plated a portion of the food and made my way to the living room, turning on white chicks as I ate. After the movie I got up and threw some black jeans and just kept the sweatshirt I had on already. I put on my black converse, grabbed my purse with everything I needed in it and headed to the car.

I decided to go to the mall and do some shopping. A few hours later I was carrying a few bags. I looked through one last store, and I stopped looking at this silky green dress. I then got an Instagram notification. I opened it and it was from Mitchel "you should get it." I looked around suddenly becoming more alert of my surroundings, my eyes then landed on a smirking Mitchel. I rolled my eyes and walked the opposite way, going to purchase the dress I chose. Before I could pay Mitchel came and swiped his card, smiling cockily. "You do know I can pay for my own stuff, braid boy." I rolled my eyes in mock annoyance. "Yeah but I'd rather buy pretty things for the pretty girl." He grinned.

"Ah see, tryna buy your way on my good side, stalker."

"I'm not a stalker, I'm just someone who helped you make a crucial decision on if you should buy that dress."

"But you didn't deny that you're trying to buy my affection!"

"I'm just being friendly!"

"Nah ion know bout all that, but like for real, how did you find me?" I laughed.

"I was actually here to buy a new pair of Nikes, I got stains on them....cocaine stains." He leaned in to whisper the last part in my ear.

I laughed, loudly. "How the fuck does that even happen!" I laughed more.

"You know you could be more excited to be in my presence, many girls would kill to be you right now." he said cockily.

"Don't get too cocky sweetheart."

"You know you love it." He smirked

"Honey, people were killing to be me before I even knew you existed, but don't let that hurt your ego." I returned the same energy.

We came to a stop in front of the Nike store and went in, he went to get a new pair of White forces. I looked at the shoe and spoke up "that's a big ass shoe for someone so skinny" I joked. "Damn, insults is what we're doing now? He replied. I didn't reply, I merely laughed. He bought his shoes then we left the mall, before I could walk off he spoke. "Wanna have lunch with me, I'm starving." He asked. I thought about the question unsure if I should accept but my hunger won. "You know what, sure." I accepted.

We went to this cafe not too far from the mall. I ordered a club sandwich and a vanilla latte, Mitchel ordered steak wrap and a lemonade. We sat waiting for our food.

I kept looking around anxiously, thoughts keeping me bound in my mind until I heard Mitchel call my name. "Faye? Are you okay?" He asked, concerned. "Uh yeah, I'm fine." I said reassuredly as I kept looking around. "No you're not, what's wrong?" He questioned, not convinced whatsoever. "Well..I'm scared of being seen with you.." I started nervously. I saw his face drop. "Not like that but because of my fans. You know I'm an actor or whatever and they wanted to boost the show's popularity so I'm 'dating' this dude as a publicity stunt and if I'm seen with you everyone will assume we're together and it will ruin everything. I ranted. His face of sadness turned into one of shock. "I'm pretty sure no one will see us here." He attempted to reassure me. "And the worst part is, he likes me and if that rumor pops up it will hurt him and I don't wanna do that because he's my friend, and fuck this is so frustrating." I ranted even more. "That's a lot..but how about this. Stop thinking about it, it's going to be fine, let's talk about something else." He spoke softly. "Like what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Tell me about yourself. What kind of music do you like?"

"Well I'm into R&B, Rock, rap, and alternative music."

"Not bad, I admit." He raised his hands, shrugging.

"I don't know what to even ask....uh what's your favorite color?"

"That's easy, dark blue. What about you?"

"Definitely grey, it's like a homey color and I love it."

We continued going back and forth with questions which to my surprise was fun. He managed to distract me from the anxiety clouding my mind and as our conversation continued I started to be more comfortable around him. I even caught myself staring at his hair, which isn't in braids for a change but I'm a bun with disheveled hair sticking out. If I'm being honest he looks better without them. I caught myself watching how his eyes lit up talking about his favorite tv show. I listened intently to the sound of his laugh. I don't know why I feel like this but it feels good. I picked up my phone to check the time, we had been talking for 2 hours. I showed him the time with an amused face, when he saw the time he let out a loud laugh. I suggested we leave since we finished eating an hour ago and already paid. Before we could part ways he asked for my number, so we ended up exchanging numbers. Instead of going home, I drove down to this cliff where I come so often to clear my thoughts or even just admire the beauty of the sky. I find myself thinking of my new-found friendship, smiling to myself while watching the sunset.

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