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"I get sentimental when I'm on drugs"- Chase Atlantic

I woke up to countless notifications asking about the break up, numerous articles filled with theories as to why the break up happened. More than likely I'll be overwhelmed with paparazzi trying to get their next story..guess I won't be going out in the daytime, or driving my own car for that matter. I finally decided to make some food. I opened the fridge and grabbed the means to a simple breakfast. I grabbed the eggs and bacon. I wanted boiled eggs rather than scrambled today so I put them in a pot of boiling water as I moved on to cooking the other food. I grabbed a can of corn-beef hash and cooked it, after that was done, I fried the bacon, I then checked the eggs and they were done, I proceeded to peel the eggs and plate them. Seasoning my food I then ate while I scrolled through Instagram. I got an invitation to a drop party. Apparently Chase Atlantic is dropping a new single. I texted back verifying I will be attending. That reminds me I have to listen to their album per Christian's request. I have a photoshoot today so I decided to get ready to go. I didn't do any makeup because they would be putting me into hair and makeup. I put on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I decided to call my chauffeur because I don't want to be bombarded by paparazzi while driving. Once my chauffeur arrived I grabbed my purse, locked my door, and got in the back of the limo. I ended up making the chauffeur play the Chase Atlantic Album on the way. By the time we got there I fully listened to the album. I have a few favorites, including Angeline, triggered, dancer in the dark, and 23. I have to admitI really enjoy their music.

*Time skip*

After the photo shoot which took three hours I had my driver take me back home. It was now around six. When I got home I ordered a smoothie and club sandwich to be delivered. I ate and then decided to get ready. I took a shower and went to my closet to pick out an outfit. I decided on a bralette, a grey blazer, and pants to match. I went back into the bathroom but before getting dressed I brushed my teeth. I put on the outfit , put on some eyeliner and mascara, aswell as lipstick, then styled my hair. Once I was done I grabbed a pair black heels and put them on. I grabbed a bigger purse so I was able to put a pair of slides in my bag, knowing these heels will kill me later on. I grabbed my phone and checked the time and it was nine. The party starts at ten. Lucky my chauffeur was still outside, I grabbed what I needed and headed out the door. I got in the back of the limo and pulled out my phone to text Mitchel.

I'm on my way

Text me when you pull up



Like 30 minutes later I was like a minute away from Mitchel's house. I opened my phone to message him yet again.

I'm pulling up

I'll be waiting out front


I pulled up and Mitchel was exactly where he said he'd be. I got out of my limo, walking up to him. "Damn girl, pulling up in a limo huh?" Mitchel teased. "The ones that get it, get it. The ones that don't, don't." I laughed.

"Shut up, I got you a drink." He laughed while handing me a red solo cup

"Thank you, mitten." I grabbed the cup and took a sip.

"Let's head inside we're about to play our new song." He grabbed my free hand and led me into the house. He went and stopped the music playing that was just to fill the silence. "Hello everyone it's time for the reason we're all here! I present to you, NUMB TO THE FEELING!" He yelled over the crowd of people. The song started playing and Christian and Clinton found their way over. "FAYE!!!" Christian attacked me in a bear hug. "KRASSY." I hugged him back. "I didn't get greeted like that!" Mitchel fake pouted. "That seems like a you problem." Me and Christian said in sync. I let go of Christian and gave Clinton a hug. Mitchel stood with a fake pout. "Alright fine you big baby." I went and gave him a hug, when I pulled away the pout on his face was replaced with a smile. "You like the song?" Mitchel asked with hopeful eyes. "I'll admit, it's pretty good." I shrugged. Mitchels eyes lit up at that and he practically tackled me in a hug. "Damn bitch." I spoke while regaining my balance. Once Mitchel let me go Christian spoke "Did you listen to our album like you promised?!". He looks like a puppy. "Yes I did and my favorite has be to triggered." I answered. "Knew it! Give me my money Kras!" Mitchel stuck out his hand waiting for kras to pay up, which he did by putting a twenty in his hand. "Clinton can you roll us a few blunts?" Mitchel asked his brother. "Yeah, of course." Clinton replied. Clinton gave me a side-hug before walking away. Well I guess I'm smoking tonight. Hopefully I don't get emotional like I usually do when I smoke weed.

After they played the song they just dropped they continued to play more music by them. Me and Mitchel found our way to the dance floor while waiting for Clinton to finish rolling. Triggered started playing so I took my phone out and recorded the crowd and then me lip syncing to the song with Mitchel as he had his arm slung over my shoulders. I posted it on my story, not paying much mind to it. The walls started playing and Mitchel did the same thing I did previously. Two songs later we went to find Clinton. Clinton was upstairs in what I'm assuming is their smoke room from the scent of smoke and scenery. I sat by Christian on one of the couches and Mitchel sat on the other side of me. Clinton handed us our respective blunts, which we all gladly accepted. We passed around a lighter, lighting our own blunts. We got higher and higher as the night went along, talking about whatever came to mind. At this point I was leaning into Mitchel and his arm was lazily slung over my shoulder.

Well shit there it goes. The emotions that come with me getting high. "I'm going to go to the bathroom." I announced, getting up. Mitchel handed me the key to his room(they lock their room doors when they have parties for obvious reasons.) I left the room rather than going into the bathroom. I sat on Mitchels bed, letting the emotions unfold. All the things running through my head faster than light itself. I'm bound in the mist of dark thoughts, seeping deeper and deeper into my brain. The tears poured out and I could feel my throat becoming dry. I didn't realize how long I had been crying until Mitchel came in looking for me. He rushed over once he saw my running mascara. He immediately wrapped me in a hug, kissing my head. "What's wrong?" He asked. I ignored him. "Why are you shaking?" He asked me again. I continued to stay silent and just enjoy the embrace rather than answering his questions. "It's just us, you can tell me." He tried to soothe me, rubbing my back and kissing the top of my forehead. "I don't know, something is seriously wrong with me and I'm too much of a coward to face it. Finding distractions constantly and-and.." I stopped with a sigh. "and taking drugs to make me so high I can't forget all emotion. The only fucking drug that doesn't help is weed. It slows everything down, gives me the chance to actually react to the thoughts running through my head. At first everything is fine, but give it a few minutes and the emotions start bubbling, overfilling the fucking pot! I'm so lost and no one can help." I rambled in a mix of anger and sadness. "You have me." Mitchel spoke softly. I slightly pulled away looking him in the eyes. I searched for any trace of a lie but all I could find was sincerity. I gave him a slight smile before hugging him again. "Thank you." I mumbled, to which he kissed my head again. We stayed there until I finally calmed down. "Wanna go back?" Mitchel questioned. "Yeah, hold up." I responded. I got up and this time I actually went into the bathroom and fixed my ruined mascara. I came out  and Mitchel stood up walking towards me. He led me back to their smoke room, holding my hand.When we walked in everything went silent for a minute as everyone looked at us and our linked hands. "Did y'all fuck without me?" Christian pouted, breaking the silence. His comment made everyone burst into laughter. Me and Mitchel sat in our previous seats and we continued to talk the night away.

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