It's a Beatles World!-1/4/22

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My mom had to stop somewhere before she took me home. She left me in the car while the Beatles channel was playing. A song comes on that sounded somewhat like Grow Old With Me, where one of the sweetest lyrics is sung, "I'm like a baby in your arms". It warmed my heart, and when we did make it home, I ran upstairs to write about it.

Everyone in my book (not just the Beatles, everyone) sees me writing the new sweet story about John.

I go back downstairs and see all of the Beatles related gifts I got, which included two calendars, two magazines, and more.

The calendars were self explanatory, but the magazines were special. One of them was a regular one about them while the other contained multiple smuts with them. There were warnings at the beginning of every one, and I loved every second of it. It was hard trying to hide it, but it was oh so worth it.

After that, I go back upstairs to everyone and reveal that we now have a new system for our fun. Everyone has their own decorative vase that'll be in a pattern with everyone else. They disagree for awhile, but eventually come around to it.

Later, we go to a party with lots of food. However, in order to eat a piece of bread, you have to prove you're talented. The girl before us sings In My Life, while my cousin and I sing Love Me Do.

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