Behind the Scenes- 8/1/22

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My school was doing some sort of play. I wasn't happy about it since it was in the  absolute hottest part of the school when people were discussing it, but fine. I love theater.

However, my love for something else is stronger...

I hear my darling Beatles with a little girl. They play with her, John especially, just like he did in Magical Mystery Tour.

I think it's adorable, so I also try to get in there to meet them. Unfortunately, Norm stops me. Shake is nowhere to be found.

I continue with everything I have to do for the play, but the thought of the Beatles won't leave my mind.

I keep trying to get to them, but no matter what, I am stopped. I even try to get my mom to help me, but no such luck.

I feel horrible and begin to cry. I just want to see them once, is that too much to ask?

Apparently so.

Until I'm greeted by a soft "Hello."

It's Paul, with the others right behind him.

Finally, I'm allowed to be with them. 😊

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