The Maul- 5/5/22

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I was going to the mall with my mom just to get out of the house. For some reason, this kid kept following me. I didn't mind at first as long as he wasn't bothering us.

We entered a few stores with nothing truly interesting going on. The child had stayed out of them, but had gotten fussy out of boredom. It turns out his name is Paul, but it was never explained on why he followed us. Probably because any Beatles related thing follows me everywhere!

Eventually, we made our way into the bookstore. Nothing piqued my interest until I found a book full of Paul's lyrics, pictures, drawings, and love notes. I thought it was the cutest thing I had ever seen and pictured so many cute scenes with it.

There was also a moment dealing with some Bob's Burgers stuff because I absolutely love that show and I'm so excited for the movie, especially since it releases on my birthday, but this is a Beatles dream book so I won't go into detail.

Anyway, I ended up taking the book and looking through it all day.

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