Simply Having a Wonderful Christmastime?- 9/13/23

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Somehow, I was forced into an actual college class (because if you don't know, I'm doing all of my college work online since it's way easier for me) and it was not fun. I was falling asleep from everything around me...that is, until a certain two people stepped in:

Paul and Ringo.

Paul was the sweet, fun loving professor that I was clearly crushing on with every second, my heart beating so fast that I was even in the same room as him. Ringo was being the little comic relief, a silly a little cutie. He stayed up in the rafters, where Paul told him to stay while he taught the whole time. That didn't stop him from having his own set of fun though.

Meanwhile, Paul was being a legitimate teacher for a bit. He gave us a paper on grammar, which is fine for me, I can ace that. After we all complete it though, he has his fair share of fun...

He's said that he's written about 30 songs...which I raise my eyebrow at as I know that's not true. Paulie, honey, you've written way, way more than that. That didn't matter though, as with us, he proceeds to have us all sing Wonderful Christmastime, which we do, me definitely having the most fun. He acknowledges it for a little bit, shortly after passing out.

I panic. Sure, so does everyone else, but I'm completely freaking out. I go over to him and try my absolute hardest to revive the poor sweetie, and by some miracle, it works. He's so proud and kind of just lays on the ground with me on his chest. 🥰

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