Chapter Two - Happy Birthday Isabella

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August 28th,

6 years later....

It was a cold autumn night.
The trees trembled and the bushes rustled. The wind was howling like a wolf at full moon.
The street signs shook as a gust of wind blew loose leaves through the streets of suburban London, England.
The heavy gale rushed through the cities centre down through the London bridge spiralling up the Big Ben as the ginormous clock hands reached eleven thirty exactly the leaves being collected by the wind were almost ashy, as though a ball of thick black smoke was travelling around London.
The trail of ash and smoke shot into the great and grand kings cross station speeding along the tracks almost like it was searching for something... Then zooming past; Platform One, Platform Two, Platform Three, Platform Four, Platform Five, Platform Six, Platform Seven, Platform Eight, Platform Nine, Coming to a stop.
The ball of black smoke got closer to the pillar dividing Platform 9 and Platform 10. It's eleven forty nine. The ashes and smoke slowly disappeared into the pillar, nowhere to be seen.

In a small suburban home, two stories, tan beige bricks and a black tiled roof with an almost perfect garden, except a small patch of ripped up dirt. Just off the border of London. Inside the house, down the front hallway into the kitchen is a fridge covered in photos of what seems like your average English family. The time is eleven fifty eight and through the second door to the left, upstairs is Isabella's bed room.

"I am officially 11 in two minutes," said Isabella Topin, a small, short statured girl with eyes interchangeable with Jade Gemstone. She was dressed in a pink pyjama set, complimented by white bunny slippers. She stood up and looked out the window, she glared down at a street light that had swallowed up a bus stop bench in the glow, the light barely illuminating her pale cheeks. Isabella sat on her bed and thought about her future, there was an indefinite chance she would be receiving a letter from Hogwarts very soon but she was afraid that time was running out due to it being merely four days before the Hogwarts express started its route back to the school.


Isabella twirled a strand of her long dark blonde hair in between her finger, nervous.
"Greatest witch of all time... greatest witch of all time... greatest witch of all time..." she whispered to herself.
She imagined what Hogwarts would be like, to take her mind off of her worst case scenarios her imagination was making up to mess with her brain. At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry she would have amazing friends. She'd learn awesome spells, and learn about all types of creatures. Isabella couldn't even start to imagine meeting Professor Minerva McGonagall who was the headmistress and Isabellas role model. McGonagall was a great Witch, the best of all time, in Isabellas opinion. She looked back at her clock.


She leaped from her bed wiggling around, full of joy. She was now eleven years old and would hopefully get her Hogwarts letter soon to inform her. she just couldn't stop thinking about that.

She laid her head down onto her pillow, turned off her side table lamp and dozed off asleep.

The warm morning palette glazed over the sky complimented by a choir of hums and whistles of nature. Isabella slowly opened her eyes, she tilted her head and peeked her sight towards the window. Beyond the morning frost was a ray of glimmer striking her bed. She sat up and reached for the stars. Isabella finished stretching and slumped out of her bed and pulled her door open.

She felt a slight rush of adrenaline as if she could do anything and then trotted down the stairs leading into the kitchen. She flinched as her bare feet made contact with the chilled tiles. "Oh great you're up!" A cheerful blonde, woman giggled.
"Morning mum." Isabella fell into her mother's grasp. To Isabella there was nothing better than a homely embrace from her mother. She was like a bear wrapping her arms around Isabella, melting away any stress she had for the day.

ISABELLA TOPIN and the ANIMAGUS ASSOCIATIONWhere stories live. Discover now