Chapter Three - The Bear On The Train

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The Topins, fresh from breakfast, still half asleep, pulled into a small area surrounded by trees.

"right everybody out!" Mrs Topin said. Everyone climbed out of the car.
Lily grabbed the tiny suitcases and put them all into a container.

"Reducio" Mrs Topin chanted, pointing her wand at the empty car.
A red glow covered the car and it disappeared.

Isabella gasped but Mrs Topin walked over to where the car once was and picked up a tiny car from the floor and placed it inside the container.

They started to walk up to the station. Isabella was most excited for this trip because Hogwarts was the destination. This would be the most exciting thing Isabella would do all year she thought to herself.
The family walked up to the platform and sat down.

Isabella wandered, when will she get her wand? And when will she get a broom? And how she'd get them but of course she knew the answer.

A classic yellow striped speed train started to pull up to the platform and stopped suddenly. The family stepped in sync onto the train carriage 06 and sat down in a row.

Across from the family was an old man, quite dirty and covered in layers of clothing. Isabella assumed the old man was homeless and the smell of the carriage was starting to back her up on this inside accusation towards him. He had the face of a donkey she thought to herself. He slowly looked up and smiled at her, she squeezed her dad's hand, her dad looked over and saw the man staring at her with an abnormally large grin.

Mr Topin held Isabella's hand tighter. Isabella sat on the train trying her hardest not to think about the strange man who was giving off a gross dead fish odour all throughout the carriage. Isabella couldn't help but scoff, it was like a seafood market the way he smelt.

"Next stop Kings Cross Station London" the announcer called.

"That's where you lot heading, ain'tit?"

Suddenly Mrs Topin was now paying attention as well and Lily felt a strange feeling in the air.

"You lot off to Hogwarts ay?" The strange man grumbled.

Mr Topin got a look of shock in his eyes.

"Mum, we need to leave." Lily whispered gently into her mum's ear.

"I remember me days back at Hogwarts like it was yesterday" the man explained. "Ay, you the man in the daily prophet the um the Topin ain't it?" The man grinned as Mr Topin slowly started to nod.

"And what's it to you!" Mrs Topin quickly fired back.

"Well clearly that makes you his wife, what's it like being married to someone who works in the Ministry?" The man grumbled.

"Yes well to be more specific -" Mr Topin snapped back.

"Who are you?" Mrs Topin asked, cutting her husband off.

"Mum, we need to leave this carriage." Lily urgently whispered once again, getting ignored.

"The names Aloysius Abidedle." The man proudly proclaimed.

Mr Topin, with a look of sudden fear, shivered.

"Where have I heard of you?" Mrs Topin asked.

Mr Topin pulled his wand out of his pocket.
"Expelliarmus!" Aloysius yelled, whipping his wand out.

Just as Mr Topin started to stand and cast, his wand went flying into the corner of the carriage.


ISABELLA TOPIN and the ANIMAGUS ASSOCIATIONWhere stories live. Discover now