Chapter 15: ROSEY

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"Mm," he hummed, slowly retracting his fangs from my flesh and pushing himself up with his hands that rest beside my head.

I close my eyes with a pinch before focusing my slight hazed gaze on his nose.

I wince when he pressed his thumb against the punctured wounds to close them with his saliva.

"I'm glad I don't have you as a pet," he mumbled, "You would've been dead within a few weeks. Your blood tastes a lot sweeter than Anna's, but you make this extremely boring. I pity Drake. Such a shame."

I didn't take his words at heart, because I knew it was the truth. Yet, with my boring nature not to fight till they finish, or to run away, Master still kept me. Maybe he wasn't out for the chase?

That didn't even seem reasonable. What Master desires the boring chase?

Master, apparently. But when would he become bored?

I gulp, pushing myself up onto my elbows to watch Tim lick the blood from his thumb, his eyes glowing a deep, blazing red.

I sigh, gazing down at my fingers that were cut by the rose.

It only drew a small amount of blood, but the throbbing had dissipated to a soft stinging.

It still hurt, nevertheless.

I run my index and middle finger across my bite wound and noted it had already sealed.

That's good.

"Come, love, breakfast will be ready. Drake won't be happy if he doesn't see you there...alive," he explains.

With wobbly knees and a heavy head, I rose to my feet.

The headache was aggressively becoming more and more intense and it wasn't enjoyable when I started walking.

Each step the headache blasted to a tense grip on my brain that forced whimpers and gasps.

"Are you okay?" Tim asks, his brows furrowed and his lips pursed in genuine concern.

I flinch when he slowed down his pace to walk beside me shoulder-to-shoulder.

"I-I'm... I have a head-headache," I stutter, nervously distancing myself from him.

Now, from experience, he is an unpredictable predator.

He will be nice, then be annoying, sweet, and then aggressive.

Yet, still gentle with his bite.

He was someone, if not known, that you walk around on eggshells. He was a ticking time bomb, but not of anger, but aggression. You'll never know if you just now met that if he will want your blood or play a cruel game.

I was lucky enough not to go through this last night, but it wasn't comforting that it happened a minute ago.

Does he confuse Anna?

From our first encounter, she seemed stubborn, so she'll probably never confess to it.

Will she even survive?

I hope for her sake that she will be okay.

Even if Tim becomes this smug, arrogant vampire who wants to play a game with your fear and limits, he's gentle. Which could also change.

I don't know him well and besides, this was my first bite from him. Maybe, knowing him, he has a hidden fear for Master?

He does have this intimidating demeanor.

Or, perhaps, he was afraid that he would hurt me? But why worry?

I'll never know his reasons if not admitted to willingly and truthfully.

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