kiss my smile and hold the gun

64 14 30

i want everything and i want nothing at all. i want to inhale your scent, or maybe i just want to inhale you. i'm rewriting history, putting our names in the stars because even though you left, every time you look at the night sky you'll think of me. and maybe you wonder too. what if. there is so much that we could have been but you just didn't care enough to find out. i hurt people for a living; i never thought you'd be the one to hurt me. i'm the one whose smile you kissed and i'm the one whose heart you broke all in one. the one who'd take a bullet for you only to find out you're the one holding the gun. death by a thousand cuts? this is death by one million, but i'm not gone yet; i die slowly dreaming of your eyes and the feel of your arms around me. just like the wind blows to the right and dreams live in my bed, under sheets you laid in once, a distant memory of a summer long gone. staying friends, oh but no one told me how hard that would be, gritting my teeth and smiling through conversations with you when all i want to do is tell you i want you back. i don't want to talk about the weather. i want to kiss the skin behind your ear and mess your hair up. i want to go back.

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