your lips hold her kiss, but my name

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and so you say my name as i am turning to go forever. then realize how foreign it tastes in your mouth, how strange it sounds on your lips. like it doesn't belong there. the way i don't belong here. with you. i am walking through hallways that have your smile imprinted on them. painting portraits of a face that is burned into my memory. it's easier to say goodnight than goodbye, so then i can pretend i'm coming back someday. and you feel so hollow, like i carved out your insides and took them with me when i left. but i don't regret it. like midnight's smile and autumn's soft kiss—a midas touch to turn the leaves to gold—we were never meant to last. i couldn't escape the cycle with you. a snow globe, delicate and beautiful and just waiting for the perfect world on the surface to shatter. ugliness lies beneath it, in its depths. past a beautiful, short time of words on arms and fingers on bass strings and legs tangled under summer sheets and lips pressed to microphones, and to each other. through flames we burn and through flames we fall; we were always doomed. i suppose it was only a matter of time until we fell apart.

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