forever is us, or is it a write-off?

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i wonder when you will realize who i was talking about that day. that day of honey wine and rain-soaked kisses, of laughter and running in the woods. when you asked me what i thought forever was. i think forever is us. right here, right now, in this moment. forever is a friend and a feeling and a moment all at once. it is you and it is me. as the city sleeps tonight, i'll dream of you from inside a shuttered bedroom and hope that somewhere, out there, you're dreaming of me too. i'll hope your hand flutters to the words i wrote for you so long ago, words on the backs of bank receipts and torn-out pages from your journals. the ink dried and it was the truest confession i ever made, though you didn't know it at the time. i didn't know either. maybe i still don't. maybe i'm just a fool for reliving these days a decade later. i'm transported back to that summer. coughing on cigarettes and swigging from the flask we passed around. your lips touched it right after mine. when the lights went out, you were the last thing left shining and i couldn't keep my eyes away; i was captivated. i still am. i'm watching you with a childlike grin; nothing in this life has ever brought me such joy as that moment. falling in love to the tune of the songs we used to write. back when we were different. making new memories. messing up your hair, running my fingers through it after the show. you always styled it in the mornings, but your nights belonged to me. but we burned bright 'til we burned out, and i won't say i got lost in your eyes. everyone says that, don't they? but i'm falling asleep to the rhythm of your breathing even when you are a world away from me. even all these years later, your ghost is still with me.

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