Family Drama

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The next day, I woke up bright and early, as usual on concert days, and began to start my hectic routine. Whenever we travel together, Dex and I always share a hotel room, if we are staying in one, so I try my hardest not to wake him up while getting ready to go. Once I finished prepping myself, I heard a knock on the door, signaling that it was time to go. I opened the door to see Matt standing on the other side, waiting on me. I grabbed whatever else I needed from the room and headed downstairs to the limo. As soon as we arrived, I was ushered inside, my security detail making sure to block the paparazzi and fans from following behind. When the door shut closed, I started walking to the green room, where to my surprise, I find both of my parents waiting on me.

"Where have you been?! We've been waiting for hours!" my mother shouted stressfully. I took a breath to compose myself. It was eight o'clock in the morning, I have no clue as to why they are here this early and why they expected me to show up earlier than them. But I'm about to find out.

"What are you guys doing here so early? Usually, you aren't here until lunchtime," I stated, walking past them and shrugging off my duffel bag onto the couch.

"We had an interview to do across the street and decided to monitor the crew while they worked with the equipment," my father said, pausing for a moment before asking his next question, "So, are you not going to answer your mother's question?"

He said all of this so calmly, but I could hear a slight edge in his voice, knowing that the only reason for that was because I casually brushed past them a few seconds ago. I let out a small, quiet sigh and turned back around to answer.

"I always show up at this time. I left the hotel and came here, that's it," I said, making sure to make eye contact with them both. If I didn't they would think I was lying, and I really don't feel like dealing with that. I watched as my parents glanced at one another, seemingly talking to each other without using words. Finally, they looked back at me, and my mother put her hands on her hips.

"You need to start getting here earlier than this! You have so much work to do! You don't need to be lollygagging around!" she said, giving me a slightly upset look. I say slightly because most of her expression was taken up by exasperation.

"She's right," my father chimed in, "You need to be here earlier and ready to go. From now on, you'll be here at six forty-five sharp."

I felt my eyes widen at the statement, but I knew better than to argue, so I took another breath and nodded slowly. "Yes, sir."

"Good. Now get to work, we have a meeting across town, so we'll be back in later."

I nodded once more and watched as my father walked out of the room. My mother gave me a quick peck on the cheek and sauntered out after him, leaving me to my own devices. I sighed and plopped down on the sofa, burying my head into my hands. I know that I'm used to this kind of thing happening all the time, but it still shocks and hurts me from time to time. I was stuck in my thoughts until a throat being cleared caught my attention. I peered up and saw Matt standing in the doorway.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, sir, but wardrobe is ready for you."

I ran my hands through my hair and stood up, "Okay, thank you."

I reluctantly forced my feet to move and I followed Matt out into the hallway, heading off to commence another long day of work.

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