Chapter 1- First mission?

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The female inkling woke up in her bed. "..." The alarm rang and read that it was 11:45pm. The female inkling got out of bed and put her black sweater on.
...I currently have a mission tonight...or rather every night. It's only been a month...
She opened the door out of her room. A female octoling escorted her down the hall. "Number 8. You're needed a bit early today. The leader will say so himself." She said as the two of them arrived at the end of the hallway. As soon as they entered the room, the 7 octolings were there staring at her again. "I have an announcement to make." The male octoling said with black hair. All the octolings including the female inkling stared at their leader. "...As director of the octolings in the octarian race, I announce that number 8 will continue training with you all. She's still unconscious since last month because of the day she first came in as a new member." He said. All members groaned again except for one male octoling. "..." The female inkling didn't say a thing.
...I was unconscious...? Ever since I came into this race, I never really got to know anyone or been introduced to anyone...but somehow...I woke up feeling conscious this morning...
"That is all. I will send you all on your missions to kill inklings now. Stay behind, number 5. Number 8 will assist you in your mission today." All the 5 octolings exited with their weapons except for a male octoling with olive green hair. The female inkling looked at the male octoling. "Your task is to kill these two inklings that have been recently stopping octarians in octo valley. They should be entering sector 3 by now." The male octoling nodded and headed to a kettle with the female inkling. "Yes, master. Uh...before we go, can I call number 8 by her real name? It's kinda awkward to say her number all the time." 5 said. Their leader closed his eyes but nodded. "Yes...that is if she will allow you. Eliana, you will go with him today. Get going before dawn comes." The male octoling looked at the female inkling. She just stared at him and didn't say a word. "Alright. Let's go." Number 5 said as he brought his weapon and walked towards a kettle. Eliana followed him silently without a weapon. "...She doesn't need a weapon...? Master, how is she gonna help me assassinate the inklings?" He asked the male octoling with black hair. Their leader had a smile on his face and turned away. "...You'll see. Trust me, she knows what to do." The master said as he left the room.
...I...know what to one knows except for the master...
Eliana went through the kettle before the male octoling did. "H-Hey! Wait up!" He said as he went through as well.

After 17 minutes, Eliana and the male octoling who was known as 'number 5' in the octoling race, arrived in Octo Valley. It was 12:14am in the morning. It was still dark out. The two were walking in awkward silence. The male octoling paused and looked at the female inkling who was walking behind him. "S-So, your name is Eliana?" He asked out of the silence. The female inkling looked at him as soon as she heard him say her name. "..."
...No one has ever called me by my name before in our group...
She didn't say a thing. "Okay...uh...I'm Flynn. It's been a month since you joined us. This is the first mission you've ever gone on with me huh..." He said as he shrugged as they continued walking. "So, number 8, do you have a secret weapon or something? I heard the others say that they hadn't seen what our leader was talking about when he said that you need no weapon." The male octoling said as he tried to break the ice between him and the female inkling. Eliana still remained quiet and continued walking. Flynn put his e-liter behind his back as they kept walking. "...Still won't say a word...anyways, we're supposed to head to sector 3. Let's see if the inklings we're looking for are still there." He said.

The two of them quietly ran to sector 3 and there were just kettles for missions. The light for the area was on, but there was nothing to see. "...There's no one here...wait...there's two of the inklings..." Flynn whispered as he and Eliana were hiding in the darkness behind the rocks. There was a male and female inkling that came out of one of the kettles. "That should be the last of the kettles for the night. Should we head back?" The female inkling asked her partner. The male inkling looked at his phone and nodded. "Yeah. Let's go-" Flynn shot the e-liter from behind them, but they barely dodged it. The two inklings looked behind them. "I don't think you two are gonna head back. Not alive, at least." Flynn said as he walked over to the light. The two inklings gasped as they saw Flynn. "Y-You're...! That're one of the octolings part of the Octoling race for the Octarians...!" The female inkling said. Flynn had a grin as he walked with his e-liter in his hands. "Oh! You could tell? I guess we could skip the introductions!" He said. The male inkling and female inkling got their weapons ready. "Don't hold back...! This octoling is a killer...!" The male inkling said to his partner. The two of them went to get Flynn. But Flynn shot the female inkling as she was about to hit him. "One down. Where's the other dude?" Flynn said as he tried to look around. The female inkling tried to get up, but she was too weak to stand. Flynn walked over to the female inkling and put his e-liter on her neck. "...Die." He said. The male inkling was about to attack Flynn from behind with his splattershot. "Hey! Not unless you die first!" He yelled. Flynn turned his attention towards the male inkling, but he couldn't charge his weapon as fast, so he thought he was going to get splatted. But a figure attacked the male inkling with dualies, saving Flynn. Flynn was shocked to see that the figure was Eliana. He smiled and he put his thumbs up. But Eliana still didn't say a word. "An inkling...!?" The male inkling asked. The female inkling looked up and saw a female inkling with the Octarian uniform. "...Who's...she...!?" The female inkling asked. Eliana used her dualies and hurt the male inkling. Flynn was still pointing his e-liter at the female inkling. "Surrender. You'll both die here and now!" Flynn said as he stepped on the female inkling's hand. "O-Oww...! Stop...!" She winced weakly. Eliana looked at the female inkling. She was guarding the male inkling who was hurt behind her. "Wait...the inkling in front of me is wearing...their uniform...that doesn't make sense...!" He said. Flynn stepped on her hand harder. "Shut up. No questions. You inklings deserve this after our defeat. But know this- you will suffer the way we suffered." He said. The female inkling cried as Flynn stepped on her hand. Eliana watched and something came through her head. She saw a blurry vision of a figure who stepped on her hand for a second.
...What...? That vision...just looking at this inkling...why does it make me feel...hurt...?
Eliana touched her head as it started to hurt. "H-Hey! What's wrong?!" Flynn asked. Eliana didn't answer as she touched her head. After a few seconds, Flynn shot the female inkling and she died. "Eliana. Kill this guy now. Anyways, I doubt we'll never meet again. Perhaps if we do in the after life, know that I'm number 5 in the race, Flynn." Flynn said as he and Eliana turned to the injured male inkling. Eliana's head stopped hurting as soon as Flynn shot the female inkling. But the male inkling looked at Eliana. "...Why...?!" He asked her. Eliana shook her head and she just ended the male inkling without hesitation. "Great job. You see, that's our mission. Every night...You did great! But...where did you get those dualies...?" Flynn asked as he looked at Eliana with the legendary dualies in her hand. "..." She didn't say a word once again and headed back to the kettle. Flynn followed her. "Her dualies appeared in her hands...and I thought she didn't bring a weapon...also, her head started hurting in the midst of our assasination. This proves that she's definitely conscious and this must be the power master was talking about...she just won't say a word. Who and what is she...?!" He wondered as the two of them went back to their base. Before they went back in the kettle, a figure watched them leave. "...No. I couldn't save them...but...I did find some essential information. Huh...? Oh right, I'll head back now..." He said as he left sector 3.

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