Final Chapter- 28- The Good Prevails

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Eliana and Flynn still fought the unkown inkling under the black coat. The sky started to turn into a magenta-orange colour as the sun was about to rise. Eliana and Flynn panted as they wasted all their energy trying to fight the inkling, but they couldn't give up. The hooded inkling still looked like he had plenty of energy left. Flynn sighed. "Damnit...! We're tried already like how much times...!? He doesn't even look...tired!" The green octoling said. Eliana shook her head. "We...have to try something else...!" She said back. "!?"
...If we can't use moves to defeat him...maybe it really is Lenard...we have to try reasoning with him.
Eliana started to get up with her dualies and walked over slowly to the hooded inkling. "Eliana! Don't! You can't try reasoning...! It won't work!" Flynn said as he held onto his charger tightly. The hooded inkling stared at the purple inkling walking to him slowly. As Eliana stopped in front of him, she couldn't see his eyes. "....."
I try...
"'s you, isn't it? Master is controlling have to stop...can't you see...? It's me and Flynn...this isn't you." She started. The hooded inkling's mouth opened slowly, but he tightened his teeth and was about to hit her with the roller again, but Flynn stepped in front of Eliana with his charger preventing the roller to hit Eliana. "Lenard...! Snap out of it...! I'm sorry, okay!? I didn't mean for all of this to happen! The reason why you're like because of me! I messed up. I've done it to you once...and twice now! I didn't even get to apologize for I'm asking you to forgive me!" Flynn added as he tried to push the roller back, but the hooded inkling pushed it harder. Eliana guided and supported Flynn as she pushed her dualies along with Flynn's roller as well. "I'm...sorry too, Lenard..." She said. Flynn looked at her in confusion, but her turned back to push his charger against the roller. The hooded inkling started shaking. "...I...didn't wanted the title of being must've been what you've always wanted...and you deserve it. I know you're strong...but...don't use your strength to do this to us. I'm sorry...for...everything..." Eliana said as she looked at the hooded inkling. The hooded inkling withdrew his roller and started shaking as his head was in pain. "....." He stopped holding his head as he hit Flynn to the side with his roller. Eliana fell on her back as her dualies fell to the ground, but she couldn't do it due to the fact that the coated inkling was about to hit her.
"Eliana!" Flynn yelled as he didn't have enough time to get to and save her. Eliana covered herself with her hands as she couldn't find any other way to defend herself. But before the hooded inkling could end her, he heard footsteps. "Lenard...! Stop!" A voice said. Eliana, Flynn and the hooded inkling turned around and saw Ren, who grabbed the unknown inkling's arm tightly. The hooded inkling stopped as he recognized the blue inkling that grabbed onto his arm. Ren looked down until he looked back at him. "...Lenard...I'm sorry too. I avoided you for a long time and I didn't mean to...! Eliana, now!" He said. The sun rose over Inkopolis and the sky was orange as dawn. Eliana nodded as she got up and picked up her dualies. She shot the male inkling from the back. Flynn and Ren's eyes widened as the hooded inkling fell. The hood came off, the hero roller disappeared and it turned out to be Lenard under the coat. "....." Eliana's eyes were shaking as she made her dualies disappear from her hands. Flynn's charger disappeared too. Ren caught Lenard in his arms while Eliana and Flynn ran and stared at the white inkling who wasn't waking up. "Lenard...? Lenard...! Wake up!" Flynn said as he looked at the white inkling. "N-No...he can't be...dead...?" Eliana said shakily. Ren made an upset face. "...I guess...he didn't make it...we had to kill him...otherwise...he would've..."
Lenard...won't wake up...
Eliana hugged Flynn as she started crying. Flynn put his arms around her as well as he stared sadly at the white inkling. A few minutes later, all the other inklings and some of the octolings came up. They all had sad faces as they stood there, atop Inkopolis plaza's lobby as the sun of Inkopolis rose with the wind blowing throughout the city.

As Master went back to Octo Valley, he returned to the race facility. "...They killed him...their own friend. I never would've suspected that. Oh well. I guess it's time to take back that captain of theirs..." He said to himself as he started searching Yuka's room for the daily dose. He searched and searched the drawers and found the serum of the dose hidden in the back of it. " careful can she be to handle such a masterpiece. Yuka...too bad they got you too. I guess I'll need to ask the DJ to have more octolings to join my race and I'll form a new organisation to get rid of them all." His face grew angrier as he squeezed the serum, and the bottle started to grow cracks. A few minutes later, the phone was ringing in Yuka's office. The black octoling was alarmed and started to sweat. He reached out his hand and took the phone slowly. "...Hello...? This is Master from the Octarian Race speaking." He responded. There was a big silence between him and the caller. "...You're fired, Master. I cannot have anymore octoling lives go to waste. I have better plans and you are failure that achieved nothing." "D-DJ...!? Sir, my plans have worked...! Give me another chance and I'll get rid of the inklings for good!" Master said back shakily. "No more chances. You will be executed later. I had a few octolings lock you in the race facility. Goodbye." The octarian leader said as the phone hung up. Master had a furious face and hit the ground hard with his roller. "...Dammit...! I more chances...this is the end for me..." The black octoling said as he sighed in the locked facility.

Meanwhile while still mourning the death of Lenard, Flynn shut his eyes tightly, he slowly opened them, he saw Dalia standing apart from the group. "...You know...I was wondering why you still haven't moved on...why are you still here?" Flynn asked the yellow inkling girl. Dalia had a sad smile. "...Because...I had unfinished business...take care, okay? My business is complete. I knew you'd do the right thing." She said back as she placed her hand on his face. Flynn's eyes widened as he watched Dalia raise her arm. As he looked up at the sky, it started to get cloudy and it started to rain. Everyone looked up at the sky which started pouring rain. As it landed on Flynn's cheek, he turned back to Eliana and Ren who were the closest to Lenard. As one of the raindrops fell on Lenard, his face twitched as he was coming to. Ren's eyes widened as he felt movement of the white inkling. Eliana wiped her eyes and she as well as the others saw Lenard awake. All of them were silent as they stared at the white inkling. As Lenard looked around him as it was raining, he was confused. "What are you all looking at?" He asked in an annoyed tone. Eliana gasped as she heard his voice and she hugged him. "Len!" She said happily. Flynn looked back where Dalia was standing, but she wasn't there anymore. "Dalia...thanks." He said quietly as he came over and hugged the white inkling too. "Len...! I'm so happy you came to...!" Flynn added with a wide smile. Lenard's annoyed face turned into a sad one as he took off his friend's arms around him. "Guys...I'm sorry...I gave in. I could've been better...I envied you, Eliana, I never spoke about my problems and I did horrible things...Master was controlling me and I couldn't do anything about it. It seems like I'm not a loyal warrior of justice. I'm sorry..." He apologized. Eliana hugged him again. "...It's's okay, Lenard. I know you wanted to be a leader, and I think you've been a good one until you brought me back. And I know a good leader would do that." She said back to him. Lenard inhaled softly as he heard her words and folded his arms around his legs.
He looked up at Flynn who was staring back at him with tears and rain. "Len...I'm sorry too. I never should've done this to you. It's not only Eliana's fault. But now...we're together." Flynn said as he put his hand on the white inkling's shoulder.
Lenard turned his back and stared at the blue inkling who was smiling, until he stared back at his old friend. Ren's smile faded and looked down. " me. I heard your words as well...but...why did you avoid me...? I thought you-" The small pink octoling pulled Lenard's shoulder. "...Because my brother cared all along. He was just too afraid." Sasha said with a happy face. Ren scratched his head and looked at Lenard again. "...My sister is right...judging and assuming was the worst part of my friendship for you, Lenard. I'm sorry...I was just too afraid to lose you like I almost lost-" "It's okay. Just letting me know the truth would've been better. Something I could've done all along to prevent all of this from happening." Lenard replied to all of the surrounding inklings and octolings. Ren put on a grin as he heard his friend forgive him.
Eliana's mouth opened, but she closed it with a smile. "...We all make mistakes. I now one is perfect. Not even me." She said as she turned her head to both Flynn and Lenard. Eliana helped the white inkling up and held his hand as well as she took Flynn's hand too. "?" They both looked at her questionably. "...I'm just happy...that we're finally together." She smiled as tears went down her face. Flynn and Lenard looked back at her with grins and smiles as the three of them hugged each other. All the inklings and the remaining octolings cheered. Camille was hugging Josh happily while Susie and Sho were shaking each other excitedly. Sasha both took her brother's hand and Hiko's hand and smiled at the two of them as they both smiled back. Kira and Oliver were the remaining two octolings from the race who rejoiced. And all of them celebrated at the top of Inkopolis lobby surrounded by the heavenly rain.
...I'm...finally...happy. At peace...with my memories back, along with Flynn and Lenard. Inkopolis is safe now too. I can't promise anything for the future of inklings and octolings, but I know there will be some goodness in the bad. You just need to have the strength and hope to seek it.

[Final chapter finished !!! I will make extra/secret character endings in the next chapter !! Thanks for reading and enjoying Eliana's story woomies, ngyeses, veemos, and oomis!]

SPLATOON: The Octarian RaceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon