Chapter 11- Home?

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As Eliana, Lenard and Flynn got home, it was 8:00pm. "I'm not sure what I should wear tonight…I can't wear this turtleneck everyday…" She said. Lenard looked at her. "Oh…if you want, I got some shirts I'm not wearing. I'll get them out for you to decide to wear later." He said. "Really? Thanks…! Let me just organize my jacket I left in your room earlier." Eliana said with a smile as she went into Lenard's room to hang her octarian uniform on a hanger.  Flynn looked around Lenard's house. "You're unusually clean. For a guy, I suspected the place to be pretty messy." Flynn said in exaggeration. Lenard rolled his eyes and put took out his sweater. "...Do you want to stay or not? Because I can make you change your mind." Lenard replied with a serious face. Flynn sighed. "Never mind. Forget I said anything. Now where's that room?" The male octoling asked as he tried to change the subject. "...Hmph. I see that manners isn't good enough for the likes of you. I will show you now." Lenard said as he walked towards a door that was underneath the stairs. "...Here's your room." Flynn opened the door and it was a very small room with nothing in it. It was so small probably the only thing that could fit in there was a bed. There were a few hanging shelves above the bed. Flynn just stared at the room in silence while Lenard closed his eyes and folded his arms. "...You're kidding, right?" "...No. This is the only room I have available." Flynn just lost it. "Hey! What kinda freakin' fish is this room!? It's smaller than my room back at the race! I'm nice to you for once and this is what you give me?!" He yelled. The white looked at him with one hand covering his left ear. "...There's a difference between being 'nice' and having trust. It's absurd to hear that arrogant statement." Lenard said back with a straight face. Flynn had an angry face on still. Eliana heard the two of them yelling outside the room.
I wonder what those two are doing…if they fight like this, how could two of our species get along…?
Eliana stopped their fighting. "What are you two fighting about?" She asked the two guys. "Well, he said he'd give me a room, and this is way too small!" Flynn complained. "...Your attitude is childish if you ask me. You wanted a room, I gave it." Lenard said back. Eliana looked at the room Flynn was complaining about. "What? It's so cute! Small enough to have a bed or sleeping bag there. I don't think there's anything else you'd keep there, Flynn. You know if you don't want it, I'll take it." She said to the octoling. Flynn looked at her face and he turned red. "...N-No. I'll take it…" He said as he scratched his head. "Alright! Then I guess this matter is settled!" She said with a small smile as she stuck her tongue out. Lenard folded his arms and walked up the stairs. "...I'm going to change. I'll be back in a few minutes. Don't do anything reckless." He said as he started to walk up the stairs. Flynn could hear the  sound of Lenard's footsteps through his room. "Man…it's pretty noisy if someone walks up and down the stairs. Oh well. Guess I can't complain." Flynn sighed as he put his e-liter behind his room's door. As soon as he was finished, he looked at Eliana who was spacing out while sitting on the couch. 
...I wonder what Master would do to me if I ever went back to the race…? N-No. I shouldn't think about going back until I know who I was…but…Yuka and some others might be worried about me…and I haven't been taking that daily dose recently. Yuka said it should help improve my consciousness, but somehow…I feel like my mind has regained more without the need of the dose.
Flynn walked up to her and as soon as she saw his feet, she looked at him. "Are you thinking about the race? I can take you back if you want." He said. Eliana shook her head slowly. "...No. Not really. I'm just thinking about how I was brought into the race though…do you know? As a member, you were there with the others while I was introduced." She asked him. Flynn put on a confused face. "I…don't know a thing. Master just came in that day telling us that you're our eighth and important member. I don't know any details on how you joined. All I know is that it was three weeks after the Great Turf War ended. I spent the majority of those weeks recovering from my injuries. Some of the others did as well." He responded. 
...Huh…3 weeks…? What did I do those past few weeks doing? I can't remember…
Eliana looked down and tried to think of what happened. Flynn sat down on the ground and couldn't think of what else to say. "Oh…Flynn, about that thing I was going to say before I left that day," Eliana started. Flynn looked at her. "Right. You were gonna say something. Whatzit?" He asked. "Well…I wanted to apologise…" Lenard quietly walked down the stairs and stopped until he heard their conversation. "For what?" Flynn continued. "...You got hurt because of me. When Lenard first attacked us, you told me to leave. But I could've helped you. I'm so selfish…" Eliana said as she pulled her legs towards her chest. Flynn had a surprised face as he heard her say that. "Hey, don't blame yourself! It's my duty. As a member of the race, you're my…no, everyone's responsibility to make sure you're okay." "...But…" Flynn got up and looked her in the eyes. Eliana looked at him back. "Stop. Imagine if I didn't show up to save ya, you could've been the one to get hurt. Think of it this way…that sensation for caring for another member takes a lot of work. Especially under Master's rules, no one except Yuka would help you if you got hurt. No need to apologise for it. Besides, what's past is past. You gotta learn how to move on." Flynn told her with a smile.
…I guess I forgot about the rules Master applied to every single member. Flynn somehow seems to lighten my mood since the day we first met…has Master even allowed him to act this way?
Lenard heard everything they said. "...I guess Flynn…doesn’t remember, does he? His eyes carry a burden he can't handle. Eventually…sooner or later he’ll realise that his decisions will cause him to grieve.” Lenard said to himself with a serious face as he pretended to come from upstairs. Eliana and Flynn turned to the white inkling who was carrying clothes. “...Get changed. You can put your clothes in your rooms. Don’t make a mess in my house.” He said as he put down white and grey sweaters for Eliana and Flynn. Eliana took the white one. “Okay! I’m going to change in my room. Hold on for a sec…!” She said as she went to her room to change. Flynn held up the grey one. “Aight, I’ll change into this one then.” Flynn said as he closed his door to his room to change. Lenard heard a bump through Flynn’s room. “Dammit…! Ouch, my head…” Flynn said. Lenard had a slight grin on his face. “...Heh. Guess that room is a bit too small…after all, I couldn’t even stretch in there.” Lenard said to himself. After 2 minutes, Eliana and Flynn finished changing and Lenard was there folding his arms on the couch. “Finally. Does it fit alright?” Lenard asked the two of them. “Yeah. It seems like we’re both the same size, Lenard.” Flynn said as he noticed the grey sweater fit him perfectly. “...Don’t compare ourselves so easily.” Lenard responded  back. Lenard and Flynn turned to Eliana whose sweater seemed to be a bit big. “...Um…The sleeves seem to be very long…but it’s fine for the night! Oh…! ” Eliana laughed sheepishly. “What is it?” the two guys asked. “Lenard, do you just wear dark clothing and white? You don’t seem to wear other colours aside from black.” She said as she noticed Lenard wearing a black sweater.
Lenard doesn’t seem to wear any other colours outside except for black. When he first attacked me, he was wearing black, earlier in turf war he was wearing black, and his sweater is even black too…! Maybe that’s his favourite colour?
 “...” Flynn just laughed and pointed at him. “Pfft…! Hahaha! Don’t worry about him, Eliana. He’s just melancholy and grumpy all the time! No wonder he wears-” Lenard just rushed up and kicked him in the ***. “...Don’t say anything so absurd or stupid.” the male inkling said as he turned around. “H-Hey…! No need to kick me like that…! Crab…” Flynn winced as he got up. "By the way, we look like our sweaters have different shades for the 3 of us!" Eliana said as she changed the topic. All three of them noticed their sweater shades. Lenard was wearing black, Flynn was wearing grey and Eliana was wearing white. Flynn got up and laughed with Eliana. Lenard remained silent like he didn't care. "Hey Lenard, you gotta lighten up! Laugh or smile or somethin'." Flynn said. "Just smile at least…!" Eliana pleaded. Lenard started walking upstairs. "...Hmph. I don't do such absurd reactions. I'm going to bed. You guys do the same. Night." The male inkling replied as he went up to close his room. Eliana and Flynn looked at each other. "He looks like he's always in a bad mood. Pretty fitting as a member for the race…anyways guess we should get some rest. Goodnight." Flynn said as he returned to his small room. "...R-Right. Night…" Eliana said. As Flynn closed his door, he bumped his head in his room again. Eliana heard it through the door. 
...Yike…guess that room really is small…but about what Flynn said about Lenard…he does seem…how should I say it…? Lenard's serious…yet…
Eliana remembered what Lenard said to her. "Whatever you're spitting out of your mouth isn't true." 
...He supported me when I was blaming myself…yet Flynn said he'd even be a perfect member for the race…I wonder…Lenard seems to know about Master and some of the other race members…is he hiding something?
Eliana went to her room and took out the hair tie that held her hair together. She then walked to the bed and laid down in it. Before she fell asleep, she turned to the window. 
...There are so many things here in Inkopolis  that seem so familiar to me and it just makes me think about so many different things. I do hope I regain my memories here. Then I get to find out what my OWN life used to be like. I would find out what home my home used to be like...

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